apologies to ghost legion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by calydon, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. I'm sorry to all of ghost legion for being inactive during war. I Would like to apologies to you guys for having me in your clan and for not being active during the war against RH witch caused you guys to lose... I will not be asking for a CF cuz I know it's my fault and I deserve to be farmed

    Sorry to everyone that lost there ee and rancor because of me
  2. Farm that noob hard
  3. Respect for apology ๎€Ž
  4. He Made me lose rancor 40 have no mercy
  5. Your not in ghost legion bleed
  6. You are saying you didn't make me lose rancor 40?
  7. You all lost by 2.5b... Honestly speaking RH likely would have still pulled off the win since it is highly unlikely the one inactive would have caused a change of this much net in the score.

    However, it would have been a lot closer, and GH might have pulled it off.

    Down with the inactive!
  8. Good job pyr
  9. I told you you should (try) to get to 50 it wasn't me that caused you to lose it
  10. Shut up noob you're my farm after s3 if I don't get Rancor 40
  11. Go ahed I don't care if you farm me do as you wish
  12. Pyr Ty for being forthcoming and not posting a mess of word vomit as to what happened and why your "innocent". Some might say you cost the war but truth is we will never truly know.

    Respect to RH, if we continue to match I feel we can win thank you for the challenging wars and the ability to sharpen our skills more.

    (Not the voice of GL just another player)
  13. You belong to damocles now
  14. Nice apology bro and bleed tf ur not even in GL 0_o random af
  15. The clans that make people apologies make a fool of own clan๎’ no reason to cause drama in forums
    That's my 2 cents
  16. Bleeding stop being a noob and crying about it, how about you just do another war and get the rancor back...if you keep crying about it on this thread I'll make you my farm after S3 ๎”๏ธ
  17. No one made me apologies I did this from my own free will and no one needs your 2 cents
  18. I say pyrr is at least honest and is man or woman enough to admit they were at fault for their mistake and apologized for it . Your alright pyrrfor manning up
  19. Awww the midgets cant get along. Even with that lvl 40 rancor equip coming. Guess what? Nobody cares!
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