Apocalypse vs ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Apocalypse vs ZAFT

    The purpose of this thread is not to bash, name call or out any particular individual. Given I am an Apocalypse member and a TS Admin, I'm clearly partial to my side. That being said I'll stick to facts so our soldiers know what happened and why they fight.

    Tl;dr can get the **** off my thread right now.

    --Sparta--Elite has been on a quest over the last several months cleansing kingdoms wearing the "SE" tags in their name from a conflict which arose in the past with a clan named "Steel Elite". The CF terms were that all members present drop SE tags at the conclusion of the war. Runners have been targeted and chased down ever since. They have marked those they find wearing these tags in the CA, offering them an out to change their name or be farmed. This may seem extreme, but given our family and alliance has grown as strong as it has, the concern was very real that people falsely wearing their tags could infiltrate and plant themselves in alliance clans or tarnish their reputation. In an effort to sideline that possibility, this was their approach. It has been very successful.

    SE_Sircozza_SE was has been an ongoing target of SE over the last several months. He has spent his time since being farmed by SE clan hopping and hoping for Sparta Elite to drop the case. As SE's intent was never to bully or ruin the game for members, they often times allowed a week or two to go by before continuing their hostile negotiation method. Sircozza was spotted in WC and placed in the Sparta Elite CA while he was in ZAFT Genesis.

    Now, having confirmed this information thoroughly with the leadership at Sparta Elite, they were unaware of his status with this clan and assumed he was continuing to clan hop, and not a permanent member of the ZAFT Family. They farmed.

    I cannot speak to the conversations which took place between Sircozza and bOrIng of Genesis, but its known what the outcome was shortly after he took incoming. Genesis retaliated with a full attack on Sparta Elite. Shortly after this skirmish began, the clan ZAFT Echelon joined in the skirmish and targeted all members of SE.

    SE Leadership began negotiations with bOrIng, explaining what had transpired and how he was a permanent farm of their clan until he dropped tags representing theirs and they would cease hostility. These negotiations took place over the course of several hours, tempers flared and some rude posturing took place on both sides all the while 2 clans hitting SE.

    Parked in SE was a TS Leader. Bannered and marked as a TS leader, he was farmed while away from his account for a couple of hours. When he returned and news feed were both filled with incoming, TS was then mobilized to even the playing field. TS began attacks on ZAFT Genesis at this point.

    (it should be noted that TS and SE are Brother clans)

    With the score evened on both sides negotiations began...

    The Negotiations

    The talks took place in a third party app group, where admins and leaders from TS, ZAFT and SE joined to discuss the events which transpired and resulted in hits being exchanged. A CF was called on all parties and there was peace for just over 2 hours.

    The talks initially went very well. Leadership from SE acknowledged they had not approached the situation with proper tact, that they should have confirmed the status of Cozza before farming. They also confirmed that they had been after this particular individual for months and this was not a new conflict nor a conflict with ZAFT at all. It was also acknowledged that ZAFT Rules stipulate new members joining must sort prior drama prior to bringing it into their clans (as is a rule in ALL Apocalypse clans) as we are not to be used as shields against past indiscretions.

    The hits on the TS Leader were forgiven at this time as being a byproduct of what was a giant miscommunication. Cozza was ordered by ZAFT to change his name immediately, he complied. All talks were drawing to a close, the agreement set in place that any further problems should be dealt with by ZAFT Leaders prior to hostile acts and that guests in their clans are off limits from hits. A point we all agreed to.

    Several other ZAFT leaders began joining the conversation at this time. The talks then turned from positive and productive, to negative and further posturing.

    ZAFT at this point were upset with the attitude directed toward their admin while SE and Genesis were initially discussing the incident. A small part of the conversation was screenshotted and sent to the group for all to see. At this time, the apology for how things were initially handled was refused.

    ZAFT leaders then began leaving the room one after the other and talks ended. Shortly after this transpired, ZAFT Corporation began attacks on the True Spartans.

    Apocalypse was then mobilized and the war began.

    The Outcome
    This will likely be marked as the largest OSW KaW has seen to date. Both sides strikingly similar in our priority in game and how we vigorously defend our own. SE protecting its clan's integrity by farming Cozza, Genesis and Echelon protecting its member by warring SE, TS defending SE by joining the war and leveling the playing field and the snowball effect continues. A miscommunication brought this about, rules were broken and harsh words were spoken on both sides.

    Happy trolling noobs of the KaW forums.

    Bite me Philosopher
  2. First Edit: CF Terms between SE and Steel Elite were that they ALL drop tags while in that clan.
    Second Edit: Posted by Chuck Norris on Page 18 (posted here as well for ease of reading)

    The screenshots below highlight a conversation which took place between Mr-Bonehead and Spartan War Machine (SE Leader) in November 2012. These conversations mark the beginning of SE Moving to eliminate those improperly representing the SE tag and name.

    Unfortunately, before it gets pointed out, individual members and names are not captured at this time. They were placed on a note pad sheet and eliminated systematically at the discretion of the SE leadership. This is something you will choose to either accept or deny, I'll give you that its a very relevant point, however rest assured, Cozza has been a target for some time.








    So now we fast forward to present and zaft a reaction to a long time farm:

    So....he was asked to name change. Yes he was farmed but he had been farmed long before he joined zaft. After negotiations had gone succesfully, you can tell by the jovial talk in the Pal room, Laoda's answer is that Weezus should change his account name as well (he didn't like it)...


    Now " I have issues with your name" arbitrarily lol.... (Note: Diablo is Warsin, ZAFT Leader and founder who at this time has not clued in that Laoda has decided to piss in the cornflakes of this negotiation)


    Laoda, who is Coss or whatever? This is leadership at its finest. Laoda is an account which 99% of KaW cannot touch or hit, we all know he cares about the little guy.



    Dun worry, "we can deal with him later"

    Ok, so we go to war.....I get pulled back from semi-retirement. "Loada, lets talk this out":


    Well ok then...I guess I'm not qualified.....

    In the end this is a play to dominate.

    Like I said in previous posts Apocalypse is made up of strong war forged families willing to do whatever it takes to protect and persevere our friends and family. ZAFT is made up of forced alliances and people who expect protection from a name. Well in this case cozza got it, the leadership didn't know who he was, what he did or why the conflict arose.

    It is not as Laoda had put "because TS hit our member", this is a premeditated skirmish which has been planned for some time.

    ZAFT members and clan leaders: If you wish to be removed from this conflict, you need only post your request on this thread and all Apocalypse hits will stop. We will defend ours and we will stand against our opponent until victory is achieved and we are the last standing.

    An account in its ivory tower will not win this war, the soldiers on the battle field will win this war.
  3. Yah

    As I'm in my own OSW against iG I can't say more then

    I wish both families good luck and am glad to see that this year KaW has got onto a good start!

    What's Next:

    EB Fairies call War on Mautos the Mavolent

    srry for typo
  4. I would have imagine that apocalypse would get in a osw some how but with ZAFT?0.0 this gonna be huge.
  5. 
  6. Thanx for explaining this situation philosopher
  7. Whoops, weezus
  8. After reading this is sounds to me like SE is nothing but bullies as you say you are not. You are telling people of the game they can't make their name whatever they want it to be. So you are demanding that people change tags. Who are you to tell someone they must spend money in a game just to change a name because you don't like it because it conflicts with your own? If it was free to change names then I'd not see a problem with this.
  9. I'm curious, what the biggest recorded strip in kaw history? With all the lb players and the funds these two huge families have I'm sure some new records will be set in the next few weeks
  10. EE just got a bit easier.
  11. Barcode, shut up! That's part of the game. Protecting clan tags.
  12. What if steel elites member that cant buy any nobs to change the name? perm farm ? gosh im agreed with barcode.
  13. I'm Also on barcodes side
  14. Im sure if they could not afford it a name change something would be sorted
  15. You don't have to buy nobs.. They are also obtainable through quests. It takes only a couple days to get 20 nobs by doing excavate.
  16. You got no money for nobs? Get a job or cryto mommy and daddy for an allowance. No excuses. You pay big bucks for your phone, Internet and computer but can afford nobs. Liars!!!!
  17. Everyone agreeing with the **** called barcode, put urself in Sparta elites shoes , say of he was part of ur clans with ur tags going round causing trouble when he not part of the clan, wouldn't u also do the same
    Thing ?

    How about Everyone jump of barcodes wagon n just think that u would do the same