Apocalypse Advise from me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Appleseed, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Dear Apocalypse,
    This is from someone on neither side of the war.ive been watching everything take place, and I've come to a decision to let u know how I feel about your guys. YOU ROCK. I want u to kick zaft ass into next year. The thing is,
    ZAFT IS A CLAN OF EGOS. I believe there's a few things u must do to win.

    1) get into the zaft clans and spread rumors. Spread them everywhere and cut zaft down.
    2) Take down their leaders. Zaft is only run by its leaders. If u take them down they will fall apart. They are like a snake, and without a head the body will die.
    3) Recruit outside clans, get word out a back up plan is taking place. Concentrate your clans on overrunning leaders, then one clan at a time. Get them off the leader board. With outside clans helping/funding strips, they will plunge.
    4) use spies, buy enemy accounts, and invite trusted friends. Spread encouragement.
    5) Take Laoda of the leader board. He is the soul pride of zaft.

    These are the facts, and they are undisputed
  2. More 4/2/1/1 morons commenting on zaft

    Not sure if noob or just nubby
  3. Your so original..... And you make it sound so easy.
  4. Not even good advice :roll:
  5. DID O say this is for zaft? This is a biased opinion from neither side
  6. Nobody cares.
  7. Seeing that you can't spell I'm betting your a zaft alt
  8. Aren't you the idiot that posted a fake CF thread on behalf of Apocolypse already?... What a moron.
  9. Funny how all these 2 mil cs stats are cutting me down to look good. Stay off forums noobs
  10. Haha that's terrible advice 
  11. Credit for good grammar though. Doesn't happen often on forums 
  12. If only laodas ego was as big as the size of his falace