Discussion in 'Wars' started by *X-94_I_DOMINATE_THIS (01), Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Yes...... This is an alt account.... If you complain about that, wow..... :|
    If you complain about the FACTS I am about to provide about this war..... I'm perfectly fine with that. :D

    The point about this thread is to provide the non-warring like myself with a non weighted analization of the two families at war here and based off that provide my thoughts on who have the advantage to win.... I AM NOT SAYING WHO WILL WIN AND WHO I SUPPORT IN THIS... If any of the informaion is wrong I appologize now, but the research I conducted I began and around 11:16 PM EST on Feb. 7, 2013, so as such my information should be well up to date. If you have anything to add at any point, please post it here and I will add or change it ASAP. NOTE: This thread DOES NOT include FAITH family as they are pounding on HoG on their own terms...


    Now obviously we know the two families warring here, but what about member count? Or who exactly has more clans? Wonder no more because I have the information right here.


    12 Active OSW clans

    Chaos Reborn - 77 Members
    Chaos Reborn Onslaught - 85 Members
    Knights of the Fire Emblem - 83 Members
    Trues Spartans - 89 Members
    Wrath_of_God -92 Members
    Heart of Gold - 98 Members
    --SPARTA--Elite - 92 Members
    Monster Garage - 80 Members
    The Hit Squad - 96 Members
    S P A R T A N Spy - 48 Members
    KotFE- Assassins - 66 Members
    H E A R T O F G O L D - 45 Members


    11 Active OSW clans

    ZAFT Anarchy- 88 Members
    ZAFT Corporation - 87 Members
    ZAFT Destiny - 99 Members
    ZAFT Genesis - 91 Members
    ZAFT Carnage - 90 Members
    ZAFT Echelon - 86 Members
    ZAFT Rebels - 58 Members
    ZAFT FAITH - 62 Members
    ZAFT RST - 73 Members
    ZAFT UK - 79 Members
    ZAFT UL - 69 Members


    As seen from above, APOC outnumbers ZAFT by 1 clan. The total of member count also indicates ZAFT has 882 overall members, whereas APOC has 951 overall members. This shows APOC outnumbers ZAFT by 69 members. AS A DISCLAIMER, I do not know how many of these members may or may not be active, however this isn't something I would be easily able to research from the outside...
    So far, APOC seems to have an advantage... Let's keep going?


    The LB can show a lot of information to us, the best players, the best clans, even the best clans at certain EBs... However we can also use the strongest clan LB to give us a rough guess at which family is stronger in this OSW. Yet again, I was only able to go to top 50 clans as I am not in APOC nor ZAFT.


    APOC has 5 LB clans in top 50, they are:

    The Hit Squad - Rank 10
    Monster Garage - Rank 12
    Heart of Gold - Rank 13
    Chaos Reborn - Rank 34
    Knights of the Fire Emblem - Rank 36


    ZAFT has 6 LB clans in top 50, they are:

    ZAFT Destiny- Rank 2
    ZAFT Corporation - Rank 8
    ZAFT Carnage - Rank 16
    ZAFT UK - Rank 17
    ZAFT UL - Rank 24
    ZAFT Echelon - Rank 50


    Now, there is a simple system here to figure out what I like to call your Combined Leaderboard Rank. To find this, take the clans rank and add them together, whoever has the lower score is higher up. Now since APOC only has 5 on LB, and ZAFT has 6, ZAFT does have a full on clan LB advantage. However, for accuracy, you want the number of clans in the equation equal. So ZAFTs Combined Leaderboard Rank (CLR I refer to it as) is 67. APOCs CLR is 105
    So here, ZAFT seems to hold advantage don't they?

    My Prediction

    Now, finally after gathering all the data and compliling it, here are the results I have found
    APOC outnumbers ZAFT by 1 clan
    APOC outnumbers ZAFT by 69 members
    ZAFT has 1 extra clan over APOC that are on top 50 LB
    ZAFTs CLB outnumbers APOCs CLB by 38

    Now I believe after seeing all the evidence and the added new evidence, the advantage is extremely hard to point to. Of course strength is required which ZAFT does have, however APOC has the numbers it seems... So I believe my decision as of now is that it is pretty equal... As I gather more data and once the runner count comes through, I may be able to get better results...

    Of course, as I said already, this is ALL based on stats. The inside parts to this however have been cleared up a little as to who has the advantage and thus who more likely might win this OSW.
    Stay tuned in the near future for a continuing post/thread hopefully naming runner counts to help add to the stats of the possible victor.... Until then, Good luck to all APOC and ZAFT in your quest for power in this OSW.

    EDIT1: Thanks to Benefit87 I was able to add KotFE- Assassins to the statistics providing a better picture.
    EDIT2: Added H E A R T O F G O L D to list
  2. Please...please, just stop with all the Apoc vs. Zaft threads
  3. But nice work on the thread anyway:)
  4. Eh. Informative, but getting really old.
  5. missed a clan you noob. such great research you did.
  6. Close enough B)
  7. This is actually (finally) a thread without any favoritism; just facts. Good job OP.

    I prefer you posted with a main though o.o
  8. :roll:
  9. Kotfe Assassins?
  10. Zaft actually have one more clan than apoc from the list you gave. you made a mistake.

    but what he said^^. The list is not complete.
  11. Many subs/clans you missed from apoc.
  12. Kotfe assassins?
    + Sabotage members filling ranks up .

    + Faith against HoG too.
  13. Op

    I am pretty sure I read that Faith was involved as well. Against Heart of Gold directly. There was a thread about it that I read.

    Faith has about 3 clans or so, not 100% sure tho. Faith itself is on the clan leader board in the top 10.

    Good post.........

  14. I'm too lazy to do it, but may I suggest an alternative methodology? Namely, go through the ally leader board and tally up ZAFT and Apoc accounts. I suggest this because it seems to me that the real measure of strength in an OSW is ally holdings.
  15. As I listed at the top of my post... I have excluded FAITH for the reason that they are only against the HoG clans... If I find otherwise or if requested I will add them.

    Also @bleen... I'll work on it and get that out soon
  16. Op acknowledged faith vs hog but didn't add faith for his own reasons. As for lb accounts it doesn't matter cuz 90% if the fighting doesn't take place there.
  17. Op what you should work on is getting your facts straight lol. the missing KotFE clan changes your summarization just a lil don't you think

  18. I already got onto that.... Thx for noticing though
  19. Isn't FAITH supposed to be in there somewhere?
  20. What about fury and x's fury? Does anyone knows? It states they are apoc but members do not have number tags.