Anyone who needs help (just read)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LittleG4m3r2, May 8, 2015.

  1. Let me start by apologising for the lack off bb codes or anything too fancy, this was a spur of the moment thing at 11:56pm in bed !

    Hey guys,
    So... Here's the deal.

    I've just gotten back into KAW after a long break of not playing. Have been floating around a little, lurking from clan to clan, taking in all of the people that I meet.
    I'm going to start by saying before I get too far into this, it may bore some people, but that's okay.

    So I have a bit of a story for you all...
    I was on my way to university today and was asked by an elderly lady to help her carry a heavy bag filled with shopping on to the bus as she was struggling. Without hesitation I immediately took the bag and made sure that she got on and seated and was comfortable. During this time she had strutted telling me that she thought it was a little embarrassing having to ask for help, and that she felt bad that she couldn't manage this simple task without assistance.

    Now I assured her that everyone needs help sometimes, myself included. After a short discussion, she arrived at her destination and thanked me tremendously for my help and listening.

    It got me thinking, and now I have decided to take action and try and duplicate the impact I had on her with this community. The KAW community has always helped me when needed and therefore I want to try and return the favour, if you guys will let me.

    So let me get to the point now.

    My wall is now open for anyone no matter age, gender, race, etc. I want to help others out as it gives me a sense of satisfaction when a can tell I have successfully helped someone. So whether you wall me with questions to do with KAW, or want to discuss in pm a personal matter that you think I may be able to help with. I will to the best of my ability answer every question I can.

    I realise there will be trolls, and let them come, but hopefully I can just help maybe 1 person each day, and I'll be very happy !!

    So please keep this active so people can see this and know that there is someone willing to help with any issues as much as they can. I will occasional bump the thread back into AT, but otherwise happy kawing everyone.

    And for those lazy few
    Post on my wall or follow me if you have any questions regarding both kaw and rl, or even if you just want to chat. I genuinely just am aiming to help.

    If I don't reply it will be cause I'm asleep! But will make sure to be as active as I can in order to help as soon as needed !
  2. Where do you live o_o its 10AM here
  3. I know you didn't ask for it, but support.

    :) nice of ya.
  4. I live in the land down under...

  5. Thats a cool place.
  6. It is indeed !!

    Thankyou Percy I really appreciate the support still !
  7. Hmm... Forums say posted at 10:03 AM... Either forums lie to me or you lie to me...
  8. You just gave us your timezone, Fritzmann 

    Now when it's 10am at your place, what time do you think it may be down under?

    Nice post, LittleGamer, keep up your good work.
  9. Or they can use the thread that had been made for stuff like this
  10. That's not world clock. Kaw runs on GMT, I believe. Maybe not. But 10:03 isn't always true. It's either telling kaw time or your time. I don't remember which.
  11. Also,

  12. Made me laugh
  13. This is a really nice thing of you to do. I also get satisfaction out of helping people. Support. 
  14. Surprised no one has trolled yet.

    Good thread man, I like the attitude. Good luck to you 
  15. I'm going to be sure to ask some stranger on my phone game for advice and halp in meh RL
  17. You mean... it's a bad idea? I always tell strangers my problems
  18. Plz keep listing tz