Anyone want a hire

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TOP-Born4Battle, Feb 14, 2013.

  2. yes. hire me.
  3. Ha......ha.......ha......good one........not
  4. Op 5/5/0 ass

    P.s. I don't care if he's smaller than me... he didn't need to make the thread.
  5. It is a bit of a half assed thread. Dude find your other buttock next time before you make a thread.
  6. Please and thankyou
  7. hire EFA7020 thx he need it
  8. You might get framed by making this thread
  9. Thanks for bumping this to just to say "lol" hnasr.
  10. It was still on AT. It is not called bumping until it leaves AT
  11. Well OP I have the money to buy myself, I just can't...
  12. I need the millun gold, plz hre me soz I cans grow big....

    Or just don't make pointless threads mkay?