Basicly im being farmed by this guy who claims i farmed a clan member by hitting him three times in one day
If u wanna farm me ho for it i have nothing... No gold cause i used it all so what would u be doing it for then??? Self satisfaction?? Do u get off on farming someone?? That would be the only reason to farm and not get anything out of it
Maybe even a pat on the back i dont give a ****.. But honestly what will u get out of it thats a leggitament question
Maybe get your noob tears shed on everyone's walls and forums? Noob tears make the world go round....
I'm 3 days old. Do you see me crying to everyone asking for help? Do you see me getting farmed by a clan?
Well these people are.being unrealistic! The guy i hit is my best friend.. We go to same school... I hit him 3 times and he also hit me.. Now im being farmed