any word on a black Friday sale

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SYN_city_BABE, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Jw if the where going to do a half off seals and horn sale like last year. Or anything special like 100% gold bonus on escapes
  2. Wtf why would there be 100% bonus to escapes thats one of the stupidest things ive heard of greedy fucks
  3. The half off deal would be nice..
  4. Why would they not? They aren't selling you anything buy a seal it is no cost to them crystal same of course to sell more free pure profit items of course they will have a sale....the real question is why aren't seals $1 ...easily you would have 5 times the HTE clans and people buying seals...
  5. Ask black Pete
  6. I'd like half off xstal packs actually. Then I'd buy the 168 xstal one :lol:
  7. Yes but also you'd theoreticaly have 5x more people hfbcing and quitting until they release new lands
  8. If there is to be a Black Friday sale there will be a thread about it from the Devs, and most likely a game announcement. Patience is key.
  9. When is black friday?
  10. 26 or 27 I forget. Last year was an amazing sale. Half off seals