any winning rancor war clan I can join?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kissmyaxe, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. I am tired of losing all of these wars. If your clan is a winning war clan please pm me
  2. Check clan events duting a rancor time and get a list of winning clans and apply for all of them..
    Ps, i would strongly advice that u grow a bit more
  3. He's got a good build

    I'd try joining a family clan and work your way up. The good clans don't just let anyone who makes a thread in desperation into their rosters. Takes time to prove yourself and move up.

    Plus I'm sick of these threads every couple hours
  4. But.... He didnt use 14 mith in his latest war... 
  5. If you don't want to lose,
    Maybe use all the mith spells.
  6. ...... Why havent the mods locked this yet...