Any tips in self KO?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gponder, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. In recent estoc war I was about 12/12 on ko, but only managed to self ko once. That was not for the want of trying, but I repeatedly got hung out with 72 troops or 58 spies. I would then get "not enough troops/spies for that action" tried several targets, actions all same error until I then got KO'd by other side. Not being able to self ko those 11 times prob put an extra bil on the oppos plunder pot. So question is - was this super lag or are their any tricks to zeroing your troops/spies. Thanks for feedback n happy warring
  2. If you are below 20% of both, self ko.
  3. Try to stay high troops and spies
  4. I would try quests. Probably not the best method if it works, and tbh don't even know if it would work, but it's the only thing I can think of...
  5. You can't do quests in estocs...
  6. Now ya see, isn't it lucky I said I didn't know haha. That's me out of ideas, and that shows my inexperience :|
  7. U can only pin urself on the opponent
  8. If you're extremely low, self pin on incoming hits, or if no incoming hits, go to the bottom of their plunder list(usually a couple inactives) and kO on them.
  9. When you notice you are getting multiple hits and you know KO is not avoidable, use your spies to "steal" that will rush up to self KO faster.

    Also, when just trying to dump troops, fly to the bottom of the enemy plunder roster, as inactives are there and you should be able to land hits; killing your troops
  10. When you know you're close to ko hit your target with no pots. You aren't caring about winning that last hit as much as you care about the self ko. This will let you kill off a higher number of troops/spies in a single attack and give you a better chance to self ko instead of leaving those extra few left
  11. Fly? :shock:
  12. Moose, just remember, you're a moose not a reindeer. You can't fly ;)
  13. Stay high with troops, but dnt be skoing if u dnt have to bro
  14. Good thing I read all the responses before posting. Moose nailed it (at least he posted the same thing I was going to suggest)

    Steals take a considerable amount of spies and when I'm trying to self KO in a hurry, that is the course of action I choose as well. Don't even try for the successes (using pots in hopes for a win) just find a target and fail if you have to. You should be able to self KO pretty fast.

    Unless of course your opponent has your regen timed to the sec in which case it can still be difficult.
  15. Thanks the combo of no pots an steals will be tried next war.
  16. Gotta be fast, I recommend don't use spies till you know you're a major target
  17. Sorry, I meant use spies till you're being target or fail of a spy action
  18. And get an iPhone 5. They are super fast :D
  19. Love an iPhone 5 but not gonna happen . @ lord infamous- I only self pin when I am taking heat or below 20%
  20. So know hard and fast rule u can use to self pin bugger