Any successfully finished TvPs from w1?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Anyone has managed to finish it?
  2. Yes its easyer to finish. Just make sure you dont lose any of ur players after war
  3. And ignore that steal bar..
  4. Never touch steal bar no matter how much it pays
  5. you know that today was a 1hr war and the Devs gave us the more difficult version of TVP the one that you can play in 50vs50 war? I'm asking has anyone been able to finish it today.
  6. Looks like Devs messed up and did the TvP of the 50 vs 50 match ups ... wtg devs
  7. Yes, devs mucked that one up.. 414k on main bar for 10 people, good luck finishing 
  8. I did with one of my old clans
  9. That's why these need to be separate Ebs instead of the same one being changed every day.
  10. We Lost ee and couldnt Finish tvp!
  11. Can someone explain to my what TvPs is>?
  12. The Vanished Paladins

    It is an EB that pays mith you get to do if you get a no match.
  13. Or lose a war ^