Any Opinions?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Emma2, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. I need some help. 
    My alt is really small.. Lol.
    And I have no idea what build I should do. I would really like it if someone had some input,
    Here's her name: D4RK_G0DD3SS. Comment/Follow/Wall her or post on here. Thanks guys/gals!


  2. my alt is really small. lol? not really that funny
  3. Capt. Batman,

    Wasn't meant to be.
  4. Join a clan and make it a Guild Hansel.
  5. Guild hansels are usually a good idea. They are cheap and bring in good income. It gives you time to decide what you actually want to build.
  6. Turtle build :lol:
  7. I'm trying for a turtle build
  8. Turtle Build?
  9. lol:/ idk sheild. hansel is good for growing fast, so id say go gh. but its your choice :)
  10. From my experience, guild hansels grow quickest. Try building guilds and hitting ambush.
  11. Guild Hansel it is! Thanks a lot guys!

    Nice to see you Cat