Tell Me Every Thing About Ebs And Wars And What I Need For All Ebs ect.......I Wanna Know What Every Good Player Needs To Know Thx
Hi, welcome to kaw!Go to the marketplace and scroll down to the very bottum and buy one speaker,Go to wc(world chat) and put "volley me im new",you will see you news light up with hires, thats normal, by now you should have about 80mil, now explore 9 lands, delete the troop building you built in the tutorial and replace it with a forge, fully upgraded, then place guilds on all them, upgrade all the guilds to level 2, with the rest of the gold you have buy An allie, buy another speaker from the market and ask for the epic battle ambush, you should have a couple of adverts on your wall so pick one, hit the epic battle ambush and try and get 100mil worth of allies, keep exploring land and puting guilds on them, keep on upgrading them as you go, if you need help with anything else please follow me