Any good plunder forums?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Caspionage, Aug 16, 2013.

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  1. I'm having trouble understanding why My plunder goes down when I buy more allies. I have 3 bill which is perfect for almost 25 lands but I was making 10 mill a hit now I'm making 6...confused! A referral or tips would be appreciated
  2. Have you upgraded?

    Just buy allies and hit an EB, it should go up and once you don't notice a change in plunder, you're at max. :)

    Hope that helps.
  3. If it was 10 mill 5-6 hours ago and is 6 now. That may be the fact that double gold ended
  4. Oh ya I bet it is the double gold thing...I thought that was a scam to get you to join a clan. I played before that came out
  5. A double gold eb may have ended for you, if you are upgrading then you may be too strong for the eb or player you are hitting, and ensure you are well above max plunder.
  6. Thanks guys
  7. Sounds like it has been resolved. Locking.

    *Please use the Post Questions Here thread next time for these questions. Thank you.
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