Any Clans Looking to Merge to do better Ebs?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *IMF-THE-LOSER (01), Aug 8, 2012.

  1. just throwing this out there if interested message me here or follow me in game to talk . jack hole remarks not necessary. please make your way to another thread if you are an ass hat
  2. Capitalizing would help.
  3. noob raging is for potato heads
  4. Merging into your clan or your clan merging into another clan?
  5. If SL_AWESOMOUS_SL or SL_WHITEY_SL follows u, don't merge

    Their clan sux
  6. Alright first off I was just stating my observation.
    Second that's not called raging.
    Third learn proper syntax.
  7. potato= asshat
  8. Watch out we got a bad ass over here.
  9. Wow somebody has a temper. And no we don't want to merge into your clan
  10. Was only trying to help your third grade English.
  11. lmao noob
  12. Oh darn I have no comeback for the over used word "Noob". I guess better luck next time.
  13. This belongs in wc
  14. noob raging is NOT for potato heads
  15. Cool story bro?
  16. under the ass hat column
  17. So this thread sucks so how bout I spice it up with this! [​IMG]