Ok, I'm tired of being an EB-fairy (yes, I still am one, but that's for preperations xD), this is and always will be a war-game. I am planning to make this account a pvp'er, especially 1v1. However, here comes the problem: I have completely no experience with it. I mean, I know the basics behind it, I just don't really know how to execute it. I could just give it a shot and learn while I go of course, but it would be most welcome if some more experiened pvp-players would be willing to give me some advice. For example: If you're having a 'friendly' 1v1 with someone you respect even though you're fighting them (this happens from time to time right?), do those fights go as far as stripping eachother? And how do you strip someone on your own, not using like 10 accounts to steal all their gold...? Thanks for reading this, I'm sorry it's not too 'high effort', I'm not good with BB-codes and such... Greetings, and thanks in advance, IKN
PvP basics: Hit someone, They either whine or hit back. Continue hitting. This will lead to a 1 v 1 or a 1 v whining clan with a stupid hit one hit all rule. Stripping? Only do it if you want, but expect the same back. Trash talking Makes it more fun
Stripping someone on your own and cleaning the gold completely will take a lot of steals. Even if you Max xtal in 1 count, it wont be enough
If your friends with the person your fighting with, then I doubt you would strip them. As for stripping someone yourself, It's impossible unless you do it with a bunch of alts and max xtal on all of em.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well about the stripping part, so I don't really see the point in it >.<
I didnt read any of this, but i like to attack from pin likea noob haha. That only works because im a hansel though, my attack basically stays the same per attack whilst my opponents goes closer and closer to mine the more i attack
Which I became yesterday. I've been pvping since 2010, I've never been 4 mill CS and I've had plenty of fun
The best advise I can give you is learn as you go, everyone has different experiences with pvp, create your own