another OSW guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Officially-Retired (01), Jul 9, 2013.

  1. Ight, guys heres a quick little OSW guide.
    Just quick. Last guide before I uninstall kaw
    1. Do NOT post Tz info in CC
    2. Report incoming and outgoing (format below)
    3. Dont trashtalk. At ALL.
    4. No posting to the enemy wall
    5. No talking to the enemy in Pm
    6. If you leave clan without prior permission from a admin you are not allowed back in until after OSW
    7. If a ally gets bought off you from the enemy do not buy it back
    8. Invest gold in attack pots or bars
    9. Do not restock defense pots
    10. Focus attacks on the targets in Ca, admins, and owner

    Format for Incoming and outgoing is as follows:
    Queen, att 2/3/11 Np

    Queen represents the target
    att represenrs type of action
    2 represents attacks won
    3 represents attacks given
    11 represents pots burnt
    np= no pin

    Terms you may not know:
    Inc= incoming
    P= pinned @ last two digits of time
    Np= not pinned
    Fb= full bar
    Hb= halfbar
    Qb= quarter bar
    OS= Only Steals
    Strip= hiring all of a targets allies and bombing with steals only
    Att= attack
    sct= scout
    ass= assassinate
    Stl= steal
    Naked= no allies, likely stripped
  2. Yes I know theres already guides. Wanted to make one last contribution
  3. You also shouldn't tell people what you're doing in general.
  4. I mean that as in, "oh, i'm going to the mall, cya"
  5. Meh! Ill edit later thought I had it in there
  6. I like to say in cc "Hey guys, goin camping. Wont have service for a few days".
  7. My clan has no owner :lol:
  8. @exterm. Cool. But please leave this thread if not contributing or commenting on the topic. Thanks
  9. I struggle to disagree with this as a general good things to do guide.

    However, the key thing to remember is that kaw is a game - it's here for fun and as such following all the above make osw dull n boring in my opinion.

    As such I disagree and ignore the no pm talk to enemies, no trash talk, no walling them etc. my name is 3 letters so a link hardly affects their ability to find me.

    The verbal banter is part of the fun of warring n if its not fun then why bother playing.

    As for tz n activity - you're only hurting yourself so if you want to tell folk when n when not active then go ahead. It's good advice to not say but the longer you play the more people know your tz n the less point there is in hiding it.

    Not rubbishing the guide as it all is sensible - it's just I think kaw shouldn't be as mechanical as this n should be more fun that's all.

    Snr 
  10. Snr I actually agreee with you to a degree……

    As for the TrashTalk stuff, I personally attempt to avoid it. If I was warring a clan and they all started moching one of the newer OSW players in my clan I would have very little respect for them, as for TZ youll find just about every established OSW clan has a rule about telling stuff about when youll be AFK.

    Some are unspoken like BH. Others are written right into the manual you get when you go through the interview process, Ie ZAFT. But again these are just guidlines
  11. Trash talk can be a type of mental warfare. Its used in real life in the form of propaganda and such. I find the forum informational but I think trash talk is important in kaw.
  12. It is to a degree, there are diffrent levels of trashtall you can use. This is more geared towards the "Haha!! You suck ima **** your mom and make her scream your name! " trashtalk.

    In otherwords the vulgar forms…
  13. I never do 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10.
  14. All my clannies know my my TZ. And I say GM and when I'm goin to bed.
    Even the accounts I'm bothered about,that have gold to lose haven't been fully stripped...yet

    Maybe change that to 'unless you feel you can trust your clan'
  15. Really? No trashtalk? Whats the point of wars?
  16. With trash talk you could identify dialects, helping you find tz of your opponents, but then this could work against you if the opponent cleverly gives you a tip in the wrong direction
  17. 3 years of kaw and this is what wisdom you have found?