Another joke for primal match up

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thefiredragon002, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. War 27
    #3 - Spartans of the underworld 277m cs (1 big tank, 7 middles and 7 smalls)
    #2 - Zodiac Elite Fallen Angels 330m cs ( 1 big tank, 1 big hansel and the rest are middles/smals)
    #1 - xXPsYcH0S1S_3N717YXx 402m cs (3 big tanks, 3 smalls and the rest stuck at heavy towered hansels)

    #3 got match up with #1 and #2 got no match up, even #3 clan is stucked at heavier towers, spies roster and #1, #2 cast lots of middles or smalls LoL

    This is probobly my last time to run primal wars.

    Good job Devs, you just give me a nice reason again to leave this stupid EE wars
  2. This was a terrible joke. Stay right here op, ima go Google you some good ones.
  3. Another joke of a thread.
  4. You gonna complain bc you matched a clan 125m Çš bigger than yours? Dude, come on. We've matched clans that are more than 125m Çš on us and still won. Stop complaining and war. Strategy and execution can win. Whining can't :|
  5. Primals were the worse idea the devs have ever come up with. It's always the same thing with the people who run them regularly. 12-15 hansels (ps1 if you will) and 1-3 tanks. Hansels (and usually tanks) unload all troops in the first 10seconds and stay dtw all match. They ass/steal - everyone who get's ko'd or sko's never has a chance to sko again cause they are always dtw to troops making it impossible to sko.

    0 skill, 0 strategy, 0 team coordination, 0 chance for anyone who doesn't use the same time of roster. Primals exclude more builds then round wars ever did. Hansels with massive spy stats and 1 troop building (ps1 to those who are call them that) are worse then GH/SH ever were.

    All the hansel crybabies who were too lazy to build enough towers to do round wars now get their way & with minimal towers are the best EE war build, one of the best OSW builds, and one of the best (if not the best) EB plunder build.

    Getting boring devs...

    Oh and I know.... anyone who says anything logical is "complaining". Don't bother typing it, already did.
  6. You called me heavy towered hansel <3
    You made my day!
  7. Kyle. Maybe you should know what your getting into before you stack sh/smalls. Primal roster match ups aren't based solely on cs. You get some good matches when you stack like that and u get some bad ones. It's gonna happen and the only way to stop it from happening is to use less sh/smalls in your rosters or don't use them at all.
  8. I do think Zodiac Elite Fallen Angels will love to match up us that can give them a fair/close match.

    but for xXPsYcH0S1S_3N717YXx

    forget it, these guys has "GOOD" strategy and skills LoL
  9. Maybe if you didnt try and stack smalls the cs difference wouldnt be as bad
  10. Aww, thanks 
  11. BREAKING NEWS from the top bananas at ATA central:.


  12. This is the problem exactly. We do it to ourselves. if there were more diversity in the rosters we wouldn't see as many lopsided matches. but people stick with what works and for now the rosters you see work. that is one thing I do love about the Indy format is that it is completely random. true it does have drawbacks but at least you can't stack.
  13. Of course even if you did diversify it wouldn't matter if there were not enough Clans casting which is part of the problem
  14. The issue isn't CS for the most part. People can call it "strategy" or "skillz", but at the end of the day it's the weak links that came together and stacked a roster of mainly spy builds. Kudos to you for acting high and mighty and even attempting to bask in your self proclaimed awesomeness. But to everyone who wars to actually utilize skill and strategy without stacking we all know it's weak sauce. Applause go to the fad clans who pop up every season stacking rosters. You will be tamed.

    BTW a roster stacking clan that cries on their clan page about a CS difference has no place telling others not to bring up CS.