In the light there is dark In the dark there are people In the dark of the light are there people who do not know In the light are the people who do know In the depths of darkness there are those few, those awful few Who know, yet choose not to show. Trolls, have your say Others, say and stay. Hurray for my awful poems :mrgreen:
Um it's confusing. Does it Have a structure? Not raining on your parade but either make it rhyme or don't make it rhyme don't try make some lines and words rhyme but not all All or nothing. Not a killjoy, just being blunt
I like it... Though make it longer. I hate small poems, since they end quickly. It's like... there's four lines, you're just getting warmed up, ready to read more... and then BAM! It ends, right there. Shattering your hopes and dreams. :cry: