another cry for pvp

Discussion in 'Wars' started by flght, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Hey devs guess what? You have this tool you installed in the game calked the "battle list", I know you've probably forgotten it's there bc no one uses it anymore. It's an awesome tool that could be used to make all kinds of fun pvp un exploitable. So how bout it devs, there's been countless suggestions of ways to give battle list incentive and make it fun. Or just continue releasing more lame EB incentives
  2. How about you stop crying.
  3. Statless alt
  4. Because the OP is so clearly dedicated and in love with this game, We expect a 10 page assessment of the current PVP and PVE system in place. Please include how to improve the system, because the devs cant work with angry one paragraph threads.

    Your 10 page submission is due by Monday.
  5. <3 yes Mr/s B
  6. B..... Why waste my breath, there have been countless threads that have done just that. They just get ignored and never considered
  7. But I could suggest an EB idea and get an instant response if it's good
  8. Too scared to post with main?
  9. Lord. However dear Rikkimaru, you are forgiven this one time.

    They never get ignored. I personally put up game development discussion threads which I email to the support team after people comment on them. Just because the developers don't post "Oh wow good idea" doesn't mean they ain't looking at it lol.
  10. posting with a statless alt gets ZERO respect

  11. So I should type out 10 pages explaining exactly how to implement some incentive into the battle list? What are the devs getting payed for then? no I have a job that I do, it's my job as a consumer to report what I want, not lay out exactly how to do it.
  12. And no I post with this bc I no longer have a
  13. You're the one complaining. If you aint gonna summarise and explain why your so miserable what can the devs do.

    I suggest you get started. I expect it to be at a degree level with appropriate referencing to viable sources (journals, books, etc)
  14. But as you stated in that other thread you paid to play yet your account is only 26 days old.

    So unless your account it some sort of telephone booth with flux capacitors and some sort of timey whimey stuff I don't see your story having any truth behind it.

    As for the pvp aspect yes it is lacking. Maybe look at the 2014 timeline they're working on before you complain ;)
  15. What's to be scared of? A few random inc before you go back to your ebs and e war? 
  16. But but I wanna play a game of whack-a-noob
  17. Actually rikki people can pay to play on past accounts before retiring them in kaw store. Think before you speak