Anonymous forum posting

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by AboveAverageGamer, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. Firstly I know it's absolutely pointless offering this idea/feedback in a game where there's both more important things to deal with and the Devs don't care at all anyway...but here goes...

    Anonymous posting in forums would allow more information to be generated and shared within kaw rather than third party apps.

    I know this can be used maliciously and gamed, as anything can, but would allow usefull information to be posted without retribution or focus on the poster.

    Almost in the vain of the interviews someone did once long ago (can't remember their name sorry) and acted as an intermediary for information.

    It would've optional of course. And even something one gains after a certain amount of time in the game..though I'm not entirely sure theres much be edit, just as having these types screened by mods first.

    Perhaps they might be limited in term of slander and accusations? Where these should have accountability.

    Haven't brainstormed it too much. Just popped into my head after wanting to post something of an insight to something without it reflecting badly on any particular clan. ✌️
  2. This is just my opinion, but I don't think anonymity would be responsibly utilized by the typical KaW userbase. If somebody wants to post a bad hot take, we kind of already have throwaway alts who do that all the time. Introducing anonymity as a setting would mainly serve to incite flaming and extremist trolling. Plus, can't be truly anonymous due to moderation requirements (i.e. could be hidden to the community, but still needs to be readily traceable from the dev side).
  3. Yup. I realise it could be abused. But it's nice to have an option to post without having to create alts. I got sick of all mine for a reason. And it's not that I want to post to slag anyone off. More insight of how I view certain things...but don't want it to reflect on me or the clan. Totally get this isn't even close to being anything top 1000 needs for this game