Annoying Ad idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ______iKnightzBator___, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Ok who hates ads? I bet everyone, right?
    Well me and my clan were talking about posting ads to get more members and then the discussion about how ads are annoying. Then my clan mate(i will say his name later on once I remember who said it) says the best solution to this problem. Why dont we have a different kind of Chat just for ads!! We have allies, clan, and World chat. Why not a ad chat for people who are looking for a clan. Thanks for the idea ( will post name later and all the credict will go to him/her ) and I hope any mods or creaters of the game see this and will do this great idea!!

    Ad Chat!!!( a chat just of ads)

    Or call it the commmerical!! Lol!
  2. Done at least 100x before
  3. good idea i support
  4. Same already suggested old IDEA...
  5. Oops. Im a new to this game so I didnt know this was a old idea. But why havent they done this idea? Ads are annoying!!
  6. I suggested this 100 times please 1. Ask for lock
    2. Send feedback and try to get others to send feedback.
  7. Who do I ask for a lock?
  8. OMG! This is like, well totally amazing, and awesomez, and also totally the first time, like ever, that this has been, like said!!!!!!

    *note* read in a high pitched squeaky annoying girl voice

    No offense to girls :p
  9. The premise is solid.. but the function is poor. I'm not sure if you've ever seen a dead WC, but that's what tends to happen. When FC started, the players agreed that any advertisers would be farmed. Such, WC was utterly dead. Anyone who said something would be noticed, and likely farmed. The ads actually create a security feature that lets people chat freely, believe it or not. I doubt the devs actually realize this, but it's for that reason i've always opposed a separate chat.
  10. Support but Ad chat should allow people to post with more letters so people dont just post in wc.
  11. No support. Had enough of people asking for this idea
  12. Ask a mod. Like delphin. Anyone with a green or orange name.