Ancient Warriors-story-

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxBrooke_ParisXx, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Acient Warriors (True/Fiction story)
    It was 15 century BC, it was also the battle/Feud between the Hittites
  2. Wow >_> it won't let me post the rest and I had a good story written =_=
  3. Acient Warriors (True/Fiction story)
    It was 15 century BC, it was also the battle/Feud between the Hittites
  4. Do you have the "And" symbol anywhere in the story? It cuts off the rest like
  5. See? It cuts the rest off. Take away the and symbol and you can post it.
  6. Oh!! Thanks! Cuz I did!!!
  7. Always happy to help ;)