An old friend

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by alyss141, May 19, 2015.

  1. I'm looking for an old friend iv known him for about 4-6 years his gamer I'd used to be Ohnowis I am sure he has changed it. If you know some one of this name plz let me know....I'd like to know if he's still ok.
  2. This belongs in WC
  3. support
  4. Hopefully that post was a joke. If it wasn't I suggest you see your local doctor.
  5. I have posted in WC multiple times already and got no response I figures I try here...
  6. Why the hell would this belong in wc? Bugger off.
  7. First off, not everyone in wc uses the forum and vice-versa, so to get the best possible coverage there's nothing wrong with posting in both channels as long there is a at least a little effort involved.

    Prime, that looks like it's really uncomfortable. Perhaps you should stop using glue until you grow up a little bit.

    DOTB, support won't help the op with this. Players change names, reset and quit all the time. It's considered confidential info.

    Op, unfortunately I haven't heard of the player you're looking for. Hopefully you're able to locate them.