An Interesting Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TurdFerguson1000, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone, today we will be discussing "people", that are evidently, and undeniably, among the worst possible specimens of the human race. I am of course, talking about Nazis. For those of you who are not familiar with Nazis, they are fanatical, fascist white supremacists, who came to power in Weimar Germany, back in 1935 (However, their party had already been around back in 1919, as the National Socialist German Workers Party). Led by Adolf Hitler, they initiated a period of mass rearmament, and in 1939, started the Second World War with the invasion of Poland. They went on to be defeated in 1945, and ever since, their party has been banned in Germany. Unfortunately, they are still around, even in the United States.
    Now, onto the main reason for writing this topic. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what's wrong with the world, such as ISIS, Nazis, Homophobes, etc. While I was thinking a few days ago, a question popped up in my head. If people like Nazis cause nothing but suffering for other people, such as Jews, and homosexuals (basically anyone who's not Christian and Caucasian), then they are not making the world a better place for everyone else to live in. They only cause anger, and suffering, and if they can rip on someone for being a different skin color in public and online, then they might cause many people, especially young children, to think that racism is okay, and that you will not be punished for discriminating against your fellow human beings. So I thought to myself: "Why don't we just kill them and be done with it?" I was honestly a little shocked and surprised by this thought. While in my mind it is horrible to even consider killing another person, in some ways, it actually would be helpful to our society. More people would be tolerant of other people's beliefs, traditions, etc. We would become more unified as a race, and as a species, we would benefit from it. I personally wouldn't go outdoors or online trying to convince people to hunt down and murder Nazis, but who knows, this could happen eventually.
    So, please tell what you think about this. I hope that those of you who have taken the time to read through this thread carefully will just treat it as speculation, but if you don't, oh well. Have a good day/night, and if you ever see a Nazi or a member of another hate group anywhere, anytime, please by all means, rip on them for being a moron! :)
    Thank you, sincerely, TURD.
  2. Adolf Hitler Sucks
  3. I'm extremely happy that we agree on that :D
  4. I'm a Jew, and German. The Holocaust is still there, an ever-present cloudy sky in our history.

    If I saw a real Pro-Nazi person, and he was sincere about it, **** him, and I hope he burns in hell.

    And should we kill them? Yes. I believe that child rapists/rapists/murderers should be killed in the USA. If I remember correctly, it takes an average of $3million to keep a criminal in prison for a life sentence. Why should we do that for those disgusting people? I agree with Texas. Give them the death sentence.

    But, this nation was founded on Freedom of Speech and Religion, so I guess they can do what they want, so long as it doesn't mess with our lives.
  5. What was the interesting question?
  6. Tl;dr version

    Nazis suck and we should all unite and wipe em off this Earth.
  7. It was: "Why shouldn't we just kill Nazis and be done with it?"
  8. Thank you for the correction. My mistake.
  9. Because where would you draw the line.
  10. That was my first thought.
  11. Wouldn't you in essence then be just another fascist under a different banner?
  12. Excellent

  13. We should give the death sentence to Rapists and Murderers, and Child Rapists and the very least.
  14. And if the verdict is found to be wrong?
  15. That's actually a very interesting (and in many ways, correct) point. However, like I said, I personally wouldn't join a rally and go out of my way to hunt down and kill every Nazi that I could find. However, if this happened, I think that most of us can agree that it wouldn't be much of a disaster for the human race :)