An Interesting Fact about Combined Stats

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlCIlIKlIl, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Hey there forums  This is a random piece of information that I found after looking at the current T5 stats and prices compared to the T4 prices, seeing which was the best in stats, best in plunder etc. when I decided to see what the best combined stats you could get was. So, after much turmoil and time (lol, about 5 mins), I found out what I was looking for.

    *Clears Throat*

    The Best Combined Stats that you can get (at this moment in time) is..... 12,563,912!!! To achieve this you also need to have spent (at least) 4.

    Now, I bet you're wondering, "Wow, but how did you work this out CK???" (probably not but hey ho) Well, I shall explain it. So, on to the uh, explaining.

    The Build

    So, the best possible build for plunder is:

    24 x "Circle Of Elements"
    1 Lvl 3 Castle

    25 x "The Colony"

    *Note, I am well aware that you would have no spies but hey, it's top of the lb lol


    Now, CoE have the best combined stats at lvl 3 of T4, so thry are the best for combined stats. So, in the lowlands, your build stats would equal...: 4,747,712

    CoE are 189,488 stats fully upgraded.

    189,488 x 24 = 4,547,712

    The Castle fully upgraded is 200,000

    4,547,712 200,000 = 4,747,712.

    Now, ATM a CoE is worth 13,500,000,000 to upgrade to lvl 3.

    13,500,000,000 x 24 = 324,000,000,000

    A lvl Castle is worth 14,000,000,000 to upgrade fully.

    324,000,000,000 14,000,000,000 = 338,000,000,000

    So the amount needed for fully upgrading the lowlands is 338,000,000,000

    Land prices will come at the end.


    Now, in the highlands, you can get T5, but only lvl 2 at this point in time. The Colony is the building which at lvl 2 is the best for combined stats.

    The Colony lvl 2 has combined stats of 312,648.

    312,648 x 25 = 7,816,200

    Now a lvl 2 Colony is worth 75,000,000,000 altogether.

    75,000,000,000 x 25 = 1,875,000,000,000

    Look further down for land prices

    And there you have it for the highlands (thank god that took so little time explaining lol)!!

    Land Prices

    Altogether, the total land price is 2,021,803,737,000. This includes highlands and lowlands although I'm unsure of their original prices... (check wulf's guide to land and buildings)

    The stats come to:

    4,547,712 (CoE total) 7,816,200 (Colony total) 200,000 (Lvl 3 Castle) = 12,563,912 (Chongo Hombre's stats = 11,781,520)

    And the price comes to:

    324,000,000,000 (24 CoE total value's) 1,875,000,000,000 (25 Colony total value's) 14,000,000,000 (Lvl 3 Castle total value) = 4,234,803,737,000!!

    **Note, that amount would e if you were starting from scratch...

    So, thanks for reading it all (unless you tl;dr in which case, why bother posting??) and please, if you have any corrections, comment or wall me. This took me an hour to write and I don't want that all to go to waste. Also, any bb code fails I will amend at a later date, I can see them though lol. Sorry for lack of pics, my iPod is kinda screwed over () so no screenshots and I can't be bothered uploading any pics to photo bucket, I just wrote that anyway :p

    Reasons to write this: I thought that it would be interesting for the KaWmunity to know about this, and to prove that Mr Chongo Hombre can be beaten on lb (unless that much was obvious...)

    Reasons to change to this build:
    • [*[You will become the number 1 in the overall leaderboard and you can brag to your friends (e.g. Woo Hoo, I'm the best at KaW :lol:)!!
    • You can have fun as all of KaW rejoices in your epicness on your wall

    Reasons not to change:
    • No spies
    • It would take an incredible amount of time effort and gold to convert and change. Plus you'll probably be beaten to it by someone else

    I personally won't be changing to this build but I thought it would be nice to show the community the best stats possible. I'm sincerely sorry if someone else has already posted this, there were none when I last checked though.

    And to all you tl;dr people, you can get the best stats at the moment (12,563,912 cs) if you pay a total of 4,234,803,737,000 gold to buy and upgrade everything.

    Thanks for reading, tell me your thoughts and personal opinions. This will be updated when T5 lvl 3 comes out :D

  2. Arg!! A bb code fail!!!
  3. Again, please forgive me if my maths is wrong, I blame my calculator though :lol:
  4. Just another one of my forums that's caught below the spam :roll:
  5. Bump.
    Was interesting, although... Tldr :lol:
  6. Nice thread 
  7. Provided you had an equal number of allies..
  8. Nice thread but it was a bit drawn out just to tell us the highest CS.

    I beer focus whenever people start doing 3748929274*838474=929485885848292

    I just got to my happy place and skim through.
  9. @crawl, I suppose, but I was just showing my working and the logic behind it tbh... I did just put the basic figures at the end anyway, I just thought a thread with the cs would raise a lot of questions and I was basically just putting the answers in there for reference for peoplw
  10. To beat chongo you would have to be high up on the battle lb. Also, you would have to have a larger bfa than him. I'm not entirely sure if the valuable lb counts towards overall, but you still have to achieve all the others which means you have to spend large mounds on xtals daily.
    Thank you though, good try.
    Would be a nice build if you chucked in some towers and spies.
  11. not true about larger bfa...
  12. Alpha not trying to down you or anything just giving my two cents on why it may not be popular.

    You are def not the only person that does it. It would be easier to read to me if you just said how you did it instead of working every one out. You could show your work later if someone wanted to see it.

    I'm sure there are just as many people who love to see it done this way. Just my opinion.
  13. Really Cor? Isn't it that the further you are on all leader boards the further on overall lb? So..higher bfa = higher on ally lb. Therefore pushing you further up overall lb.
    Am I right?
  14. Stealth, you got a main I can hit?
  15. @crawls, ah well, I did it my way and I'm proud of it :D (you sound just like a noob friend I know by the way...) and I was only really bothered about it not being commented because beforehand there was that random guy who posted 6 different threads all saying the same pointless thing. Anyway, I thought it would be nice to show you the best stats in KaW ok??
  16. Lol there's some back story to those posts so you didn't get beat by straight up pointless spam.

    It was trolled noob spam. Don't feel so bad.