An idea to fix the matching-system

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Hi all

    I know there's already been plenty of ideas, but I've come up with another one that i want to share with you Guys, and see what you think.
    I'll make it short so you all won't get bored with a to long thread ;)

    As we all know, the matches now are basically 90% stacked rosters of bigs/smalls.
    As it is right now, you can become a sh within a month from when you create your account, and start battling for the same items the bigs are battling for, who has been in the game for most likely over a year.

    So here's the idea:
    We go back to smaller rosters (keep reading before your face turns all red ;)) and then have 3 type of rosters. 1 for 0-6m cs, 1 for 6-12m cs, and 1 for 12m cs and above (this is just an idea, it doresn't have to be exactly those limitations.
    There will then be 3 lvls of the red paladin equipment - lvl 1-3 - so that players are encouraged to grow, to be able to join the bigger rosters, and therefor get the lvl 3 set of the red paladin equipment.

    This way there will be wars for all sizes, roster stacking will be over, and players will be encouraged to grow, to get the best equipment available. It doesn't have to be 3 lvls of equipment-set, maybe just a limit on enchantment (if you're small, you can't enchant the eq. If you're mid, you can - but only to lvl 5. and if you're big... well.. you get the point)

    Tell me what you think. The idea might need some tweaking, but i personally think it's a possibility to make wars more enjoyable. It also reward bigs effort for growing so big, instead of having bigs and smalls fighting for the same piece of equipment.
  2. I'm in game for more than two years now and I can promise you that there is absolutely NO solutions against abusers in game (same like in rl!) ... not a single one ... as devs themselves seem to support abusivity only ... don't blame them though ... they just also don't want to be food only ...

    btw many of the "small" accs in successful war clans which are combined with huge lb accounts are mostly alts of the lb players ... or at least nearest buddies only ... so ... it's "your fault" that you're no buddy of them ...

    don't expect any chances to get respected in here (even basically) if you're not a buddy of them (which they use to decide themselves btw!) ... respect is reserved for a few customers only ... the rest shall remain paying and energy-wasting "random idiots" only ... to make the strongest (the richest in rl) in game even stronger only ...

    there will never be an update to adjust ANY kind of mismatching ... in contrary devs are working on new "toys" only, which as usually will be reachable fastest for the strongest only ... so that those can keep up their beloved abusing of all below them as they like n wish ... endlessly ...

    btw ... this CAN'T BE "a game only", as whoever purchased anything in here although he/she doesn't belong to the privileged customers just payed for being "food" and entertainment for the abusers only ... and the distance between this two groups of players will be kept up and even risen more n more until they give up the game one day themselves and flee "to the mountains" ... like they did with GAW ... until then my kind would have to just pay only ... either with real money or by patient activity with many sleepless nights and (provenly) just wasted energy ... you'll not even get back a simple "thank you" ... or a "sorry" for any kind of "inconvenience" (note that getting abused is way more than just inconvenience) ... they say "sorry" to all abusers and moaners instead who nonstop ask for more n more ... for not hurrying with even more advantages for "pvp" players ... players who are asking for even more untouchable superiority than they already got ... it's all about abuse and exploiting and destruction and living real hate and enjoying the pain of the defenseless (ANY defense can't keep away abusers btw!) ... on cost of all fair n honest of all innocent of all weakest ones ... EVERTHING else is a lie! ...

    I asked for help against some untouchable players in public once ... many laughter only, but at least the abusers then always stopped temporarily for a short while ... BUT came back over n over again ... every time greedier than b4 ... still unbeatable and still no chance to even defend yourself against them ... although I didn't give them any reason at all ... I always preferred EEs, but got excluded bc of my "slow growth" (no wonder, when you get exploited endlessly no matter how hard you worked) ... so ... why should two more years bring any change to players like me? ... it didn't work in rl within more than 50 years so why should it work in a game ...

    ... as long as devs just made this game for one kind of "war" only you can't even call it a war game ... only the offensive one is provided ... as the defensive one has to fail in ANY case! ... that's not "warring" but just fooling and exploiting only ... and devs DO know that! ...

    any growth you reached by now will belong to them in the end in ANY case ... believe it or not ... it won't change the facts ...

    "just a game"? ... no ... the hate and the abuse IS real ... the loss of your REAL money, the REAL damage on your health resulting by sleepless nights and the REAL injuring on your soul by public humiliations and bullying IS real ... and the characters of the abusers are quite REAL, too ... if it was "rp" only there had been some resolving, some admitting or revealing truth, some regrets, some apologies, some repair ... NONE! ... not within last two years and probably not in future! ...

    btw ... devs don't care AT ALL ... they preferrably remove players like me instead and blame me for "destroying their game" even ... by my honesty! ... while cheaters and abusers make more n more paying ppl leave and don't get warned even ... instead of realizing their own contribution devs prefer threatening "the food" to "shut up" ... as they still got enough food to replace the wasted ones ...

    I once got silenced by an abusive mod ... but she gets protected by devs ...

    yes! ... I'm just wasted food only ... replaceable "peanuts" ...

    so how do you want to fix the REAL CAUSES for any kind of mismatchings if mismatchings are wanted by those devs do care for only? ...

    may god help you when the day will come in which you realize your wrongs yourselves ... EVEN if "this" is "a game only" ...

    no ... this game is NOT for free ... even if you didn't purchase anymore ...

    it costs your dignity ...
  3. your ideas aren't that bad though ... but don't expect any support by all those indifferent and selfish players in here ... no offense ... it's just a fact, sorry ...
    you can have my support but that won't count at all anyway ... sorry ...
  4. Decent idea. The only thing is that it makes the devs have to create 3 equip per level. That's 3 times the job
  5. if this game was about getting what you deserved I would have reached >40 mil combined stats by now ... without stealing anyone btw ...
  6. Wow I really like the idea of having size brackets with varying equipment strength for each, so people have to grow to compete for the best set. The gh madness would end so abruptly it would be a miracle. It would allow ppl to play the game how it should be, start small and work to get big to get the best stuff. Not this bs exploiting that's run rampant for months.
  7. I like the idea