An Idea On How To Get More Mithril?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyrie-XV, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Hello Forums!!

    My idea today is that there should be a change to the mithril purchasing system. Please excuse me if there is any bb code errors.


    I am proposing this idea because we all know Estoc Wars pay awfully in terms of mithril... And everything else. Plus the only way to get lots of mithril at the end is to activate lots of spells before the war starts. And we all want those brilliant new mithril equipment pieces.



    I'm also doing this partially for myself as I left myself with just about 0 mithril from when we could buy it. I did have 100's but I got greedy and used it all. Not knowing I would one day need it again. I don't even currently have enough to buy these.


    The current system for mithril is that we can buy have upto 6 mithril at a time with a limit of buying 16 a day. So you can buy 6, use 6, buy 6 use 6..... Etc.

    My idea is that we should be allowed to purchase "x" amount of mithril per day every day. Now lets say you could buy 4 a day/ everyday.

    Now you are probably thinking that this can be Abused, you're right...... To a point. You would still have to war to earn mithril on top of buying 4 a day.

    Now that basically my idea. So please post your comments and support if you want.

    There is another alternative idea to getting mithril, that I really like. There is hopefully a working link to it below, please take a look as it could very much come true as it promotes hitting the battlelist and allows people to earn mithril in a more fun non risky way.

    Anarchy's/Vals Bounty Idea

  2. It worked!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!
  3. I don't think pay all that bad. I agree there should be an alternative method involving pvp to gain mith though.
  4. You admit you got greedy, and now you want kaw to change to help you?
  5. I've got roughly 2-3 mithril from every war I've done. I haven't had spells active as I can't afford to lose any. But I have used lots of pots when attacking. And 1-2 crystals.
  6. I did get greedy I suppose. I don't think anyone knew that we were going to need to have mithril in order to buy stuff apart from spells.
  7. I bet they might make it so you can buy mith with real money
  8. 1) I can earn up to 80 mith PURE profit a war, because I'm not a noob.
    2) using more spells affects **** all. All it does it make your payout SEEM bigger, but infact your just getting the exact same amount back. No more, no less.
  9. But yes.. EE wars are a *****, and I agree my n anarchy's bounty hunter idea is FAR better
  10. Thanks Val. spells only allow you to hit harder and it's a risk casting them anyway because you would lose 14 mithril minimum if you lost every war you did.
  11. Try and get this thread going please. It took me a long time to make and I am curious as to what the public think.
  12. Yes it is true you get back what you cast plus profit, but the profit is generated by spells cast.... Therefore the more cast the bigger the profit for the winner.
  13. 3 mith?! U sure this wasnt a mwar? Lol.
  14. Support to the bounty idea as an addition not replacement to EE, if nothing else the teamwork factor of the war keeps me interested.
  15. Casting useless spells (hide allies ) does not improve return rate. Actions in war is the only factor. You receive back what you spent plus what you've earned plus the worth of pots (attack and defence) used in war.
  16. Yeah it was certainly a EE war on a normal week.
  17. I also use 10-11 attack pots for soldiers and 8-9 spy attack pots.
  18. It's 18 mith a day.
  19. I have info about using pots in EE war. Unfortunately the competitor in me refuses to share this information with non clanies.
    Good luck Merlin