An Guide to a equipments

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The-Raj, Jan 27, 2015.

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  1. A equipment is an weapon or a object of an greatfullness. These can be obtained from an pwar. They has many wonderfuls an enchantments like a enchantment of seduction. An must have for an uniorn rp pro. An rare drop can occur when undercookied steak begins to leak. Thank you for listening to my philosophy on an home cooking and a equipment.
  2. Get the **** out please.
  3. Ty op i feel so enlightened
  4. You get an quadruple asterix out please i am a op. I an banish you to an cold fridge.
  5. Damn. I was in the cold fridge once. My phone died.. No kaw.. And it was cold, so cold :/
  6. Remember an my cooking and a equipment recipe book will be published in an monday.
  7. You use 'a' when the next noun doesn't begin with a vowel. You use 'an' when next word does begin with a vowel. Just a helpful tip.
  8. Im saving my lunch money for it
  9. You are a offensive person and a idiom. I have much of a intelligence and a degree in a equipment and an cooking.
  10. An message to a haters.
    I hate an haters
    end An captains log
  11. Finally its all clear to me..
  12. My Kaw experience is complete thank you, I now feel like I can can move on, see the world maybe start a family of lamas.
  13. Fail troll, besides the original post was pretty stupid
  14. You is an hater
    I hate you
    An haters must be hated with a idiom
  15. Please do explain how we can get equipment from pwar?
  16. Sorry. The forum says you can only post in English.
  17. Please do not make spam threads. If you want to make a guide to equipment please at least make it better than existing ones.

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