An emergent behavior shows that war is bad

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xx_scar_xx, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. The devs who made this game called it "Kingdoms at War". And, in the first 2 years of it's existence, the game paid out most when you actually attacked (warred with) other kingdoms.

    Since then, a ton of real human beings played this game. They found that they could setup a "farm" (osf) to take all of their hits. That got replaced over time with EB beasts.

    In essence, through trial & error & millions of real human actions, the community of real humans playing this game ended up reaching this important, real-life conclusion:

    EVERYONE WHO ENTERS WAR LOSES. Those who do not war win

    You can choose to war. Fine. You find that you get less gold, & cannot grow. You choose to stay out of war & peacefully farm. You get more gold & grow. This evolutionary pressure results in the most successful, biggest kingdoms, to be peacefully focused on agriculture (farming) rather than military (war).

    It's a true case-study in how humans, even when pushed in to war, discover that peace is far more prosperous than even "winning" a war.
  2. Score one for humanity. We'd rather prosper than struggle and die. Shocking what had happened to us.
  3. .... so what does "owning" other players say about humanity?
  4. "owning" another playing in KAW is nothing at all like slavery. It offers the "owner" zero control or management over the player's activities. In KAW, "buying" a player is more like "investing" in them.

    Again, my post was more about an observation about how the game evolved into a new behavior that was against/counter/unintended by the creators, & grew out of humans figuring out, through tons of trial & error, that peace wins over war.
  5. Very good.
    (...not that slavery was mentioned in my post. lol I know.... it was obviously alluded to.)

    Thanks for the intelligent thread.
  6. Intriguing read op. thanks for sharing.
  7. That's not true irl though, because a Kingdom/country could/can conquer other kingdoms taking all of their economy/gold
  8. Ehh seems like a tree hugger has been introduced to kaw...
  9. This threads quite truthful.
  10. I read this...and the thought of no war made me bored...
  11. The Op is a babbling idiot :roll:
  12. OP is garbage... It's a computer game not agriculture. There are a bunch of wierd social constructs driven by game rules and human nature, but that means nothing... Every society on the face of the planet ultimately denies others to ensure their own prosperity. The end.
  13. Op I would support your thread but it's missing some action.....and common sense.....and explosions.....and bigger explosions....and lazers.....