An ASW Recap - More or Less

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ashvar, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Summer ASW – A Recap - More or Less

    So there we all are – ASW is over. All is as it usually is.
    People want to compete even if they are not in top 10k players.

    Noob tears have been spilled,

    Inactives have been named and shamed,

    Raging has emerged about moles (real or imagined).

    I thought I would run down a few of the things that happened to me and others while participating in the ASW. First off when I joined I got matched up in the same clan as o_O_____Frog____o_0

    So I thought to myself “Ash, you may have a chance this time.” o_O_____Frog____o_0 is a great WC and with any luck with would have gotten a couple of decent trackers and so….

    I start filling out the Spreadsheet for war. As I do and I am developing carpal tunnel syndrome I get a vision.

    Now, I’ll say this to all of you kids, be careful if you are using unlabelled bottles not to confuse vodka with water.

    Anyways, it seems that the vision was right ‘cause within 10 minutes we get reshuffled. And I end up from being a Manticore to facing them.
    WTF, I say to myself as I scroll down the Manticores’ roster. I see
    D-A (I always imagined her as a superhot D-A)

    o_O_____Frog____o_0 – well we all know he was shooting for a third consecutive title

    Vamperous my clan mate who resembles either Leland Sklar from ZZ Top

    Or Saruman, take your pick.

    That’s when I thought to myself “No dice.” To make things worse our team had a good WC but no proper tracker. It was so bad that I tried to track their top plunder people with paper and pen

    I really felt this small

    Let’s just say it could have gone better

    We held our own till about 1 hour from the end, but D-A and o_O_____Frog____o_0 had kept half of their crystals for a mad rush at the end. It was like…

    BTW, D-A and o_O_____Frog____o_0 both WCed – together – now that is the definition of overkill.

    So anyways,I head back to Carnage and watch others trickle in as they get defeated, chat with other warriors from different clans and many come in with the same story.
    ‘We thought we had them till the last hour…”

    All of us

    So o_O_____Frog____o_0 gets its triple crown

    And I learn a valuable lesson: ASW recap thread do not contain enough bikinis

    Disclaimer: things may or may not have happened as perceived and reported.
  2. Nice recap, and nice thread. Congrats to Frog and the Manticores. It was one hell of a war.
  3. I threw up a little at the last pic
  4. Ain't that so?

    Feel better now?
  5. Frog got more in a row than Lebron did.

  6. Can you guess which team she's clapping for?
  7. Idk.. PRIME's gif got me all bouncy
  8. And even if you don't like her face you can scroll just that much past it...

    Win win

    .. You're welcome 
  9. Well done! Fantastic recap :)
  10. Lol I'm just seeing this now. Thanks OP.
  11. You know, D-A does look a lot like the pic you posted.
  12. Same in the semi-final! Went into last 30 mins 200bil up, came out 200bil down! Curse you frog
  13. You were 200bil up but with no xstals left in the tank. We had 2-3 left.
  14. Parsfan is so sick he is in hospital now
  15. Ggwp cx cheeky wee reshuffle just to troll noobs, gotta love it
  16. That troll was so pathetic I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 
  17. I did the finals. It was like a weekend indi war with only more noobs. It was not something i would be interested in doing again.
  18. Live, Laugh, Love, Led ️