An Apology Letter to the Writers of FF

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Dear Fan Fiction,

    I'm sorry I brought the plague that is d_bo_assassin upon us. It was I who questioned why Writers had to deal with RPers, and accidentally called d_bo_assassin's and his numerous alt's attention to Fan Fiction. I didn't mean to intentionally do it. Ever since then, he has terrorized us.

    I take full responsibilty for his initial ostracism of Fan Fiction, but not the situation in entirety. I never escalated the situation by myself, meaning other people along with me escalated it, or as an individual at certain times, meaning at certain times, like when I left for a month or so, I didn't do anything... I truly am apologetic that this horrible thing had to happen to us.

    I just feel that we have to do something about it. We have to exterminate the vermin that are trolls, and conquer this mountain like we've done every other one.


  2. I have ONE alt. that has 14 posts to its name. I barely even get on the account.

    oh poor featherdumper. how important you think you are. YOU alone didn't cause me to begin my visits to FF.

    bit you certainly energized it. and yet even when you're gone for a couple of months, I still come here.

    get well soon featherduster. there's no need to feel guilty about bringing down the "wrath" that is d bo upon you and your fellow "writers".
  3. Dont blame urself featherhunter we dont blame u.... We just blame dbo for being an ass to every1 on ff
  4. This is hilarious in the sense that I get a kick out of the angry responses to D_bo. They make my day a little better
  5. I truly Lol'ed at this.
  6. I'm not angry. I'm sad. I feel he is only here to take away our happiness.
  7. featherduster. you really should cheer up kiddo. there's no need to go all emo on us.
  8. Guys,
    Just deal with DBo. I agree with Cheese on this one.
    And sometimes, he's funny, witty, and trolly.
    No one complained at Gen, or german idiot did they?

    And come on.
    Everyone in life has that one person who stops the fun for you, but why make such a fuss over ONE person.

    And DBo does troll the shitty authors.
    So deal with.

    /end rant
  9. no no no. keep complaining please.
  10. See,
    He enjoys your complaints. Just leave him.
    It's like fussing over one fly.
    Why do it, one measly scrawny insect can cause a huge uproar, you people are letting DBo do that to you.

    If there is a sign that says, "Don't feed the crocodiles! They explode when you do!"
    You don't do it, you are tempted to, but you won't.

    So don't let this crocodile explode purely for curiosity's sake.
  11. so now I'm a fly and a crocodile?

    I don't appreciate you calling me names
  12. I also get a kick out of d_bo himself sometimes...
  13. nobody is feeding anybody around here.
  14. @ insane: who exactly do u mean by German idiot?
  15. If it's me please say so, I'm used to putting up with being made fun of.
  16. German idiot was the name of an actual player.

    and with a name like naziman, what sort of reactions would you expect you retard

    nazi scum
  17. Totally agree with santh
  18. I like Dbo being around. He removes the terrible stories by trolling the "authors" into submission.

    And the reactions are pretty damn funny.