
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Armageddon, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Hey y'all
    Most of you think the US is a peace kind of country
    We're the biggest terrorist place out there there planing to uncle the water by New York to lower population WTF and what about the concentration camps over by New York and Florida
    Yes concentration camps like the Nazis did to the Jew

    What do you believe?
  2. I help run those extermination camps, man we just kill the people hurting our economy. Is that a problem
  3. Too long didnt read
  4. How can u stand that watching ppl die imagin it's you or you're family huh?
  5. valid argument. yes i like dill pickle chips. you are a mindreader
  6. This made less than 0 sense

    Sorry op try again and add more effort and elaboration because i have no clue what your talking about...
  7. This isn't a kind of thread that should be posted in my view. This is how bashing starts. Just make sure that doest happen, OP. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but sometimes it shouldn't be shared.
  8. I don't stand and watch them die. I sit!
  9. Than leave lol
  10. America is a kind country well unless we need to use are nukes.... But other than that people live life and have many rights
  11. This belongs in fan fiction. Fictional realities are fake.!
  12. It goes deeper religious beliefs and Obama care
  13. hmm America is rated the #7 most free country.. we forgot that freedom is worth more than anything and we forgot it's not easily kept. When you only care about what you're given and not what you can get it no longer becomes important to strive for anything than what can get you what is given.
  14. r u even american? Or just a hater from the other side if thw world, u sound like the latter
  15. Where on earth does reglion and Obama care fall under the same category of anything?
  16. Yes and I'm Christian don't post that post of a post
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