America in bad shape..Obama only making things worse

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KA____CHEWBAKKA____KA, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Wanted to see what people views on this issue that play KAW?..Be carefull what you say or you may get silenced for a couple of hours like i did for making this same statement. Well i am making it again...Opinions welcomed
  2. We have 2 years left with him lets suck it up.
  3. Going to seem like 20..
  4. [​IMG]
    ___________This is what I think of Obama
  5. Obama, keep up the good work. 
  6. Madmuffin... SHUT THE ******* HELL UP!
  7. I don't know what the huge problem is. Then again I'm not vapid enough to buy into Koch funded propaganda.
  8. OP if you're not happy with Obama, 2nd Ammendment give you to right to form a well regulated militia and fight the oppression. Therefore stop cryingnin forums. Go make that well regulated militia.
  9. Op, you are a ******* idiot. Obama, same as Bush, does not run the nation. Congress does. We still have basically the same congress as we did when Bush ran and with that, that is why we have the same damn problems as when Bush ran.

    We are arming our future enemies
    We are abiding to the big corporations
    We are falling deeper into debt.

    This drive of damnation that is leading us to another economical collapse is due to Congress, not just the ******* President.
  11. Obama is doing a good job. :p
  12. My left nut got caught in the door and is swelling up. Must be Obama's fault.
  13. These threads are actually pointless. This is a war game not a debate room. So many people from different countries playing. Everyone will have different views that clash. Not to mention the trolls who will go against what anyone says just to get a rise out if someone. Everyone is entitled to their opinions this is true but I personally feel these forums are not where to express them.
  14. Wow, do you not Remember when the president past Obamacare, the Senate and representative was mostly all Democratic not Republican. Get your facts right.
  15. Obama greatest president Evah!
  16. Hey mate great job on the political commentary in a 9 plus free war game you're doing a great job
  17. Ugh people never change. People say this about every president. Y'all are big whiners just accept that he is our president until next election and shut the **** up!

  18. Cool gif bro.

    Now go look up on the jobs report for June 2014 and you'll see approximately 10 million new jobs were created since 2009.

    Likewise the economic debt has slowed down drastically, is it headed in the right direction yet? No, but that's not something you can't change over night or in a short amount of time especially when you're refusing to tax the top 1% who own the majority of your countries wealth. Simple economics explain everything the US is messing up and it's not all Obama's fault. So stop feeding off the propaganda machine from the right who tells you they aim for one thing but consistently do the opposite. Wants border control? Then approve the 3.7 billion proposal (Republicans voting it down), VA benefits? Oh, the 24 billion proposal to help the Vets? 41 Senate Republicans VOTED that DOWN. Actions speak louder than words and as a Veteran I'm dead tired of seeing so many people buy into the Republicans propaganda machine because EVERY TIME I read of a proposal I figured they'd be for they vote against it simply to protect the rich and avoid further taxing of the guys lining their wallets.

    Semper Fidelis.

    I'm a Marine who's actually happy we got pulled out of Iraq and is happy we're getting pulled out of Afghanistan because that means my brothers and sisters don't have to be killed for a war we have no intention of winning because we're not allowed to due to having to maintain the political high ground.