
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DaKiller-, Aug 6, 2013.

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  1. Does it pay better to steal gemstones or to assass golem horde?
  2. 1 steal gives the equivalent of 2 assassinations. 1 steal also uses up double the amount of spies as a assassination.
  3. Oh so same amount
  4. Steal = immediate gold

    Assass = slightly more gold overall

    My war = lots of gold
  5. It's pretty much the same amount either way you go
  6. I'd say steal once or twice, then assassinate lol I've noticed a slight increase in plunder
  7. Ok mod plz lock

    Plz work
  8. Your a fail killer
  9. Oh like your stats are. Noob pure spy eb fairy
  10. I was a pure spy earlier... But thats cause i usually open for wc... Am i a noob?
  11. Gotta put quotation marks around the name and without spaces lol so it would look like this without spaces in the brackets []

    [ quote = "Name" ] Your quote [ / quote ]
  12. AVATAR 1v1 me i CHALLENGE U.
  14. If I remember correctly from when I tested with spy alts, I made more doing assassinations than I did from steals. The steals entice you with profit you can instantly see but the bonus from assassinations more than makes up the difference.
  15. Yes you are LIFE
  16. /locked as requested .
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