Not to long ago, I tried the most difficult quest (or at least that I can see, not sure if you can unlock more [it was Icy Structures]) and after my 2nd try I succeeded and got over 1 mil!!!!!!!!
Eventually you get to do quests where you storm the gates of hell and kill demons and such. Can get over 7m in one quest.
Every time you upgrade your att it unlocks new quests. The max possible is the one where you do the gates of hell I believe.
U can do the last quest available to u even if extremely difficult. I think it has to do with ur tapping. I touch it 5 times rapidly and when it fails I touch close and immediately after I try again. I usually manage to succeed itabout 2-3 times going from full units to almost none. Let me know if anyone tries it and if it works for them.
You unlock more quests by completing previous quests. There are 69 quests in total. Quest wins are random and chances of success are based on your attack strength which is described on your profile page (NOT your attack bonus to allies). Now here's the "amazing" part: if you were to invest another billion or so gold in allies, you would be able to make 5 or 6 million per hit in epic battles and you would forget about questing for gold.
/lock doesn't work. Mods don't check every thread looking for some impudent poster to have said /lock. If you want it gone, don't fost so it falls out of sight, or request a mod move it.