Always looking for war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _Tats-n-69s_, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. I am silenced at the moment so I can't respond to the many war requests I receive...If you do happen to pm/wall me and I accept I will follow spam you and join
  2. Np btw ;) was wondering why you hadn't replied me thought you were bein rude lol
  3. Same
  4. Triple same :3
  5. Lol your all nubs ;) my perm silences last 24 hrs get on my lvl
  6. this isn't spam noob im simply giving people I war with a heads up that im silenced and cant reply.
    I don't war with you so your revelance in this post is completely nonexistent
  7. Mhmm, excuses, just tell them you hate 'em all
  8. Why would anyone read your thread n take u serious when u cannot read the TOU.

    Who wants someone who cannot report in cc for war anyways.
  9. Like i give a damn kiddo :))
  10. Sh mechanics lmfao.
  11. So about myself... Needing a good war clan, was with Wingless Angels, GhosT LegioN, few others... Good exp and can function build to how needed if its worth it.

    You know where mah pm is 
  12. Who even invites you to war
  13. Ouch guys a little harsh don't you think? Tat contact me I'll see what I can do for you.
  14. You must be bored to surf the forums looking to argue...I don't know you so why would you reply? So what ima sh you're a dotb flunkie and a noob Thank you syl you know where to find me
  15. Your the noob :)
  16. ya kaw cripple
  17. their r a lot of people who lurk around forms looking to argue I have met em all just ignore them
  18. You can bring an alt into the clan you are warring at to talk for you. Have done it many times and works well with both accnts open on comp, I'm available for war 2 now on weekdays 