
Discussion in 'Wars' started by __________13____, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Only posting this to follow orders or i wouldnt post at all...(loyalty sucks)

    And as a start Since i cant post on my android im posting from a alt. my main is 227

    It was suggested that I write an apology for my actions.

    But, first I want to clarify what took place.
    As a non-bc hansel I hit AzureSun. It was a half bar assassinations and half bar of attacks. I was just testing my build, as all great KaW players should do from time to time. I was truly surprised I got thru as much as I did. (have you seen the size of this beast?)

    Next time I log on I see that AzureSun had returned my hits. I didn’t think much of it. It’s what he’s supposed to do, right? But, then later he hits me again and again….So, thinking he was a true warrior…I happily returned his hits.

    About a day later Creepydude, the owner of Legions of Rome, asked me to stop hits on AzureSun and find a new sparring partner, so I did. I stop hitting as requested.

    That night, as most of Legions of Rome slept (with big banks full of hard earned EB gold) .Alpha. hit them hard with no warning. Of course, when LoR woke they were wicked pissed and returned hits.

    As of right now. It’s an OSW with Legions of Rome - vs- .Alpha. and a few sub clans.

    I did not think trading hits with a player would lead to this and I would like this to end.

    I am sorry for hitting AzureSun..........
  2. Pics or it didn't happen.
  3. Lulz sucks to suck
  4. Alpha
  5. .ΔLPHΔ
  6. Bit of an over reaction
  7. 425/227 whatever his # is today is just making a failed attempt at trying to play the victim now. Spinning and stretching the truth, too funny!
  8. My favorite part was 227 leaving LOR to fend for themselves the other day 
  9. 445 says his main is 227.

    227 says his main is St-Christopher.

    St-Christopher says he loves 227 in his banner.

    Either this person is extremely big headed and loves himself, or I call bull
  10. It's prob bull
  11. Whoo go ALPHA
  12. If this is an attempt at an "apology" it is not accepted.

    Alpha families will continuously pound LOR and any that assist them until a formal apology is made by your clan owner and 227's main account.

    LOR was given plenty of room to end this before it began.

    Attempts were made to settle this before it came to OSW. But LOR leadership thought being disrespectful to a council member during a negation was a good plan.

    We will systematically strip your members until you render a formal apology. Happy KAW'ing.
  13. And they buy all my allies  ...... Well at least try 
  14. Continue to pound? 3 alpha clans vs Lor and im sitting full troops come on pin me please
  15. That's odd I've had no incoming or heard of incoming from u 227 man up and fight no whining on forums
  16. And @ IBB your missing some... Pot burner and couple more