.ALPHA. Do you approve?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by medicguy, Feb 13, 2013.

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  1. So Nic from Last Rights claimed to have hacked iG, BH and now his own clannie's account.

    We cannot be sure of the veracity of the claim. But going by his admission, is this the way Last Rights fight their war? By hacking accounts?

    And clans like Alpha, 7DS and MDK want to fight with you?

    This is the integrity and honor that Last Rights shows.

    And this is what Alpha, 7DS and MDK choose to support?

    It's great to see that osw is alive and well. We all love stripping, pinning and generally beating the snot out of each other. But what we see here is claim of Last Rights actively hacking enemies accounts, and even worse rage hacking one of their own clan mates.

    We fight and war. We enjoy it. It is a war game.

    But to hack someone's accounts and reset it shows a lack of courage and integrity.

    Is this what Alpha, 7DS and MDK support too?

    There has to be a line in the sand .... I think I have found mine. There is never an excuse for hacking someone's account especially to gain some advantage in a game.

    Never..... Not at all .... So not only will we continue to fight you, but will do so knowing that your clan has lost any shred of honor it might have had.

    It is disappointing that clans such as Alpha, 7DS and MDK chose to support such lack of integrity and honor.
  2. Didnt u make this already? :|
  3. Didn't you post this yesterday ?
  4. Because if nobody cared then

    Nobody will care now.
  5. Lol dont put all of Last Rights together and say they are like that. Some members fight with LR because its their clan their family and are not just gonna drop because one member is a jerk or an idiot.
  6. Unfortunately the previous thread was removed. This occurred despite many other threads from Last Rights simply being locked even though they discussed the same content and even threatened hacking of the forum moderators.

    In short, I have posted this because I feel it's a worthy question to the clans involved in this matter, and is quite pertinent to the KaW community as a whole.
  7. Some mod graveyarded the thread. Hmmm....
  8. Or was it a Dev

    In before lock
  10. OMG A MAIN IS THIS TRUE!!!!???????
  11. Bro, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Well these are some good points on why trees went good pets but this thread isn't for my standards... as I LOVE mahogany mangos

    Do the flop!!!
  13. Ok I want to go on record as saying I support IG, BUT you are totally wrong here.
    So maybe there is a hacker. Whatever. HE'S the hacker, HE'S doing it. Last Rights aren't doing it. He's just in that clan. So don't blame the while clan.
    ALPHA, MDK etc support the LR argument and that clan, because they're allies and friends with many if the members and the owners. No one said with this hacker as well. No one said they support the hacking. No one says they KNOW of the hacking.

    Just saying, you really need to re read your threads and posts that say something important, because this was a bit misguided. You can't take one members actions and hold a few hundred people responsible. They don't control him.
  14. Any SS to prove this?
  15. As far as I know on any game, if you get HACKED its your own fault. Keep you account INFO to yourself.

    I think I speak for most of MDK saying we have no opinion 
  16. Is it hacking when you know the account infor?
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