Now I was just sitting here trying to hire ally's for my newly alt trying to hire ally's and I noticed once you got to about 30mill to 80mill the prices become funny like I have 50 mil and I can only get a 32mill ally It's werid and annoying how you hire it anyway and nek minte it's gone and an idea came to me Becouse of lack on new players joining there's not many ally's the newbies can hire and if they do they get hired away the devs make X number of fake accs for the number of active newbies this way there's a bit more ally's the newbies can hire and not have hired away stright away Yes I know the idea Isent perfect I just thought of it if you guys and girls could give me feedback/ideas that would be great and I'll improve on this thread Tldr:devs make fake accs for newbies Tech
Yes I find this very annoying and a big problem. I couldn't get more than 3 hits in before ally hire when I was building up an alt
Newbs need to be able to afford allies , yes. But they're all overpriced because there are people who just sit there and volley brand new accounts up, whether they ask for it or not.
Honestly, that's the best ally market. 1m allies sell like crazy. At that stage, the money you make off 30-250 of those 1m allies is amazing. Just use it to your advantage.
Yeah I know.. Just no time for it, repeatedly. Sux for a new player cuz it takes almost 100m to keep an ally for mp. And you're not gonna have that much starting out unless you get a GOOD volley
Zero support. I agree with the observation that new allies rise fast. I dont agree with the solution...and i am not convinced its a problem. Make profits...take advantage of it u win and u lose....and u learn. I dont know if the undelying reason for the few allies at cheaper prices is a lack of new players as u say op. If that was a major factor then the solution would be to get and keep more newer players. That would be a far more important use of devs time than inventing fake players. Thank you op for the idea.
No support. I created a new account and was past that ally market within a few hours. You ask for a volley in wc and instead of building you volley an ally until either 100mill or until it stays yours and then volley more if it gets hired or start building and hittting ebs. Simple.