What's a good amount to start ally trading with? Edit : I'm new to ally trading and would like to get into it
I'm pretty new to ally trading also. I started with a 40 bil ally and worked up. 13 tril pays around 200 bill profit per hire. I'm up to 13 tril ally hires now so it will be super lucrative eventually
You can be super-conservative and buy just over 1 bil. That range is specifically easy since anything above tutorial-stats allies are still slightly under-costed. However, inflation means that market is getting traded a little less than it used to, so while that means more allies to poach initially, longer sale times to be expected.
Id not suggest hiring allies over a couple tril to begin with. You dont want to get stuck with a 5-10T ally but your not going to make a lot of gold off of cheaper allies. Id say start off hiring in the 500b-1t range. If your wanting to put more than a couple tril into the market then just hire a bunch at that range and get a feel for how long it takes them to be bought.