ally trading tips

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LexlVlciouS, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. So, after many months of playing, i have decided its time to really dive into my personal last frontier: ally trading. I am asking now for your help kaw. I am not looking for the basics, mechanics, or price points as I have a fairly good grasp of that stuff. I am would like any advanced hints or tricks that have worked for you.
    I know what u are thinking: if I have super special secret methods that make me stupid money, why would I share them with YOU? or worse, with all of forums? You noob! First, I lol, next I answer: the more people that learn ally trading, the faster you established traders sell your assets, the more money u make. See? Win-win for all involved.

    Sorry for wall of text
  2. Look at strategy section I n many others have good guides on ally's n trading
  3. Ty a1, I have seen your guide, as well as many others. They have been the basis for my trading thus far, just trying to see if there is any new/fresh/as of yet kept secret info to get to the SERIOUS cash
  4. No, telling you my strat would kill my profits. I've overflooded the market on my own once, I don't intend on letting anybody else help.
  5. Fair enough sholron...I appreciate the honest response
  6. Sorry, lol
  7. I just look for best bang for buck on ally's. If you can get biggest ally at any price they always sell.
  8. Volleying help too