Disclaimer – This is not a guide. It ain't that organised. Nor is the whole of the information contained in this thread my own, though all that is posted I have sampled, checked and proven correct to the extent of my knowledge. EDIT: Link to Ally Bonus Damage in EB Discussion The facts- - When an ally hires, its price increases by 5%. If you want to know what price an ally will be when hired once, multiply the current price by 1.05. If you wish to know the price after a number of hires, multiple by 1.05^x (x is number of hires). - You gain 1.56% profit from any hires. Times the price of an ally by 0.0156 to see the money you will make. EG; 100,000,000x0.0156=1,560,000 Ally trading is, by definition, the hiring and selling of players in order to make a profit. In KaW, the profit made is rather small; however, when done correctly, ally trade is the best way to earn money within the game. There are many methods by which this may be achieved, and in order to maximise profit, it is best to use more than one method. All methods, however, rely on the purchase of active allies. The best way to find active allies is to buy at prices along the line of 10,000*1.05^x. Some of those prices are listed here. I will not deign to stress the importance of this – it is requisite; end of. Below are three methods by which ally trading can be used to make profit; Method One Decide on a price range of allies you would wish to stock – bear in mind you must be able to hold a number of allies at this price, ten being the idealistic minimum. The higher the price range, the higher the initial cost, but the more profit made in less time. For example, the price 10,407,318,792. Every time one of these allies hires, you gain 162,354,173 Not much, but if you sell ten in a day, that’s 1,623,541,730 gold. Not bad. If you initially invest in ten, it’ll cost you 104,073,187,920. If you decide on a price range double the size, you get double the profit, but double the initially cost. Your choice. When an ally hires, buy back another one at that same hire price. You must ensure to keep the number of allies you own the same, and be careful not to use the money you gain from the hires to upgrade. Method Two This method is far more simplistic. Build up an amount of money you always want to have in allies – say 50,000,000,000. Your initial ally will be of that price range - 49,590,264,855. Whenever your ally hires, put all of the money you have out into the highest ally price you can buy from the list. Decide on an amount of money you want to get to each time, say one T4’s worth. That’s a 76,930,777,102 gold ally. Simply wait for this ally to sell, then buy back at the original price, and, like magic, you have one T4’s worth of gold to spend. Method Three I don’t like this method. I think it’s untrustworthy. The word I’d use is ‘phoney’. It requires on inexperienced/lazy players buying at ‘straight’ prices. Choose a price range, say 100,000,000,000. Multiply that number by 0.95238 (I won’t explain why, either work it out or be sensible and use a different method). Hire the allies at the price of the result, 95,238,000,000 in this case, and whenever some fool searches for allies at 100,000,000,000, BAM, your allies will be in the list. EDIT: Method Four Credit to MissMelon This method is rather time consuming, but effective. This definitely cannot be used as a standalone method - hiring just one ally can be time consuming. Quite simply, whilst you are playing KaW, note down allies that are owned by their friends, people in their clan, or have any link to their owner. A good way to find said people is to look in sub clans of strong clans, as allies their are quite often owned by people in the main clan. If the ally you are looking at is overpriced, it's down to your discretion. They might hire back, they might not. Statuses like "I love my owner, don't hire!" are also a golden ticket! Conclusion To earn money from ally trade, what I would do is this. Have ten allies at method one, constantly re-buying at that price, and one ally on method two, working the price up until you get what you want, then using that set amount and going back to original price. Yeah. Knock yourselves out. PS- If you want a guide, post, and if i get enough saying yay, I'll make one, but there's already a few pretty good ones you can read.
I am daT's ally trading alt. I have about 165B in allies. I don't really know why, I just keeps buying more.. Growing? It's overrated. - I, Spy. -
I was going to hire YOU this morning MissBehave - in the hope that old bnf would hire back, the sweetie.