Ally searched!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Yuusei, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. So, my idea for a Thread was, an ally-search-thread, like the opposite of the ally-sale thread. You can post your wanted allies and i'm gonna edit them in the starting post daily.

    • 300b+-20b/Hansel, preferably towered/7mcs by GR_YUUSEI_OW
    • 20 bil/small hansel or towers/- by TX-Bacon-Narwhal-Nutella-TX
    • 200bill/hansel/towered atk build/5mcs by elite-arbiter5
    • 400 bill/hansel by deathgod
  2. Rules:

    -Give the datas in the following order:

    Allie-value/Type of Build/Min-CS

    600b +-50b/Towered Hybrid/12m CS
    1,2t +-100b/Big Hansel/18m CS
    100b +-20b/GH/1m CS

    -To prevent having finished allie-announces in the post, they will be deleted after 1 week.


  3. 200bill-hansel or towered atk build-5mcs.

    The ( -) part confuses me, more explanation needed
  4. I don't need a ally i have my reset bomb..silly boy..
  5. +- = more or less
  6. Bump to AT + edited Startpost
  7. Support I'm too small
    For this reallly
  8. I predict a fail for this thread.
  9. 20 bil small hansel or towers.
  10. This thread pretty much tells farmers how much money you have out lol not a good idea
  11. So you post how much gold you have out to buy an ally?

    Sounds like farmer heaven.
  12. Nice thread. Will use it in the near future
  13. maybe you bank in bronzebars like i do?
  14. 7trill-any ally idc-200kcs 
  15. 872 bill, any stats.
  16. 400 bill---hansel
  17. Posting here doesn't say how much gold you have out. Why? Mines always in pots.

    Anyway ally type I'm looking for:
    Towered hansel. 6mcs
  18. Gonna edit them in later