So, my idea for a Thread was, an ally-search-thread, like the opposite of the ally-sale thread. You can post your wanted allies and i'm gonna edit them in the starting post daily. 300b+-20b/Hansel, preferably towered/7mcs by GR_YUUSEI_OW 20 bil/small hansel or towers/- by TX-Bacon-Narwhal-Nutella-TX 200bill/hansel/towered atk build/5mcs by elite-arbiter5 400 bill/hansel by deathgod
Rules: -Give the datas in the following order: Allie-value/Type of Build/Min-CS Examples: 600b +-50b/Towered Hybrid/12m CS 1,2t +-100b/Big Hansel/18m CS 100b +-20b/GH/1m CS -To prevent having finished allie-announces in the post, they will be deleted after 1 week. - -
Posting here doesn't say how much gold you have out. Why? Mines always in pots. Anyway ally type I'm looking for: Towered hansel. 6mcs