Ally Question

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Cobra, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. So I've never had an ally that costed more than 1 tril before and I was wondering what I should buy. Let me get this out there, I'm a pure spy. Should I get a hansel? Should I get a pure spy? I was also wondering, should I buy a 30 mil cs hansel who is inactive or a 12 mil cs hansel who is active?
  2. Hire the 12 mcs active ally then farm him
  3. Buy a max plunder ally.
  4. Buy an active ally :eek:
  5. Buy the inactive ally, because once that 12 mil guy stars growing you'll be open to being attacked lots because the ally will keep getting hired away as he grows
  6. Your only ally should be a bomb.
    Past that you are asking to be stripped.
  7. If you are a pure spy plus 1(PS1's) like you currently are, you should own a stable.

    Also for pure spy plus 1 builds, you want allies that have heavy troop Attack strength to help your troops successfully hit epic battles and battle list.

    If you go pure spy, with no troops, than your only ally should be a bomb and in truth, you shouldn't even have that.
  8. I agree with rusted, and in all truth they explained it pretty well.
  9. Should probably just upgrade..