Ally Plunder-- KaW.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Merlyn, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. I sent the developers of KaW this email, to answer the question the most often of me.
    In reply I got this:

    (both cropped for personal information in email)
    I have decided to do some research experimenting with builds, and have changed builds for the highest possible plunder for my lands, not quite complete but close.
    From this I can say that IF each build adds the same plunder bonus each time,than this is how each lvl 3 tier 3 are worth.
    War Cathedral

    I would like help seeing if this works with the help of the brilliant minds of KaW.

    What I need?
    People to post the same thing I did, and together we will come up with a hypotheses to see what works best.

    (yes the did e-mail me this:

    "Helping KaW through the forums."
  2. You completely ignored the variable cap.
  3. The devs don't need to tell us the formulas we can check by hitting an osf get another Allie then hit again if you plunder raises your not at mp If it's the same you are
  4. I was asked multiple times yesterday, I want help from the players of KaW to answer the question.
  5. War cathedrals and other t 3-4 deffensive builds give *5% Allie plunder
  6. I agree with Sholron 
  7. Yes, as Sholron pointed out, you forgot the variable cap.

    The Plunder the individual buildings gave used to be static-

    T3- 144k (defensive +5%, balanced -5%) GuildsL3- 216k Guilds L4- 432k,for example.

    But that changed, a looong time ago. Now its also depending on opponent strength relative to your own.

    What's "up" 
  10. Sexwulf I saw three minutes after I posted this.
  11. You shouldn't be worrying about max plunder just be like me and get well over 250 Bil in allies and you've cleared mp by miles so shouldn't worry about it. GO AWAY MP NEWBS. That is all
  12. Stop trying to be a Mod.
    It will never happen.

    Also, I have already done this experiment with all T1 and T2 buildings. After I finish the T3 I am submitting a guide
  13. You can tell he/she worked pretty hard on this. Just cut him/her some slack!!
  14. Hard? This takes less than 20min to test. It's not hard.
  15. It took me 2 and a bit bil to measure all T2 buildings with a HCBC OSF.

    Anyway, if you really want to be a Mod, you are gonna have to start doing better than just making little threads.
    Many have done ALOT more than you and still not had a reply from Devs.
  16. I have gotten 2 replies from the same apllication.
  17. Here's what I have. Max Plunder has a range now, for each Build, for each Target. I call this the Sweet Spot, why not? I left potions out as we have plenty of X-factors as it is, we can work those into the mix later on. Anyway, you can quantify it as follows.

    Step 1) Choose baseline Target, a farm you can hit repeatedly is easiest

    Step 2) Attack baseline Target with Troops, record Plunder Bonus, Hire an inexpensive Ally, repeat until Plunder Bonus stops increasing. This exercise will give you your Maximum Plunder Bonus for your current Build (dependent on Total Ally Value)

    Step 3) Record your current Build. These are the Maximum Attack Strength, Defense Strength, Spy Attack Strength, Spy Defense Strength numbers on your Profile, keep them listed separately. Multiply these numbers by your applicable Permanent Item Bonuses. Then add your Bonuses from Allies to the corresponding figures at the end.

    Do not add these four stats.

    I think Attack Strength, Defense Strength, Spy Attack Strength, and Spy Defense Strength have different "weights". I have not confirmed an across-the-board ratio (for example, Attack Strength being 1.5% as valuable as Defense Strength) and think it may be contingent on Unit Type. Once I confirm this I will post the results, but I digress.

    Step 4) Record the baseline Target stats as above.

    Step 5) Repeat Step 2, now until your Plunder Bonus starts DECREASING.

    Step 6) Repeat Step 3, the only difference will be the new Bonus from Allies values. Note that the baseline Target should not have changed during testing either, otherwise you would need to begin from scratch 

    The difference between Step 3 and Step 6 is how much play you have with your current Build against that particular Target in order to maximize earnings from Troops, your Sweet Spot.

    Is this worthwhile to do? Not really. Only reason you would want to try is if you farm the same Target ad nauseum and want to take as much gold as possible each hit and not grow too big for that Target's breeches.

    That having been said, as a community we can test out the Plunder Formula were we to run through this process with just one of every Attack Building or a grouping of just the same Attack Buildings (followed by dividing by Building count) against a single Guild or like Baseline target, using the same Ally base. Naturally this will be very boring. With the Sweet Spot data plotted for each Attack Building we will be able to calculate the stat weighting (if there even is one) and eventually the Plunder Bonus threshhold by Building.

    So long as on top of these numbers the Developers have not included Scaling (e.g. the documented Guild versus Stronghold of Shadow Plunder Bonus fluctuations being an aggregate nerf of sorts) we will have the Plunder Formula dead to rights. If this Scaling comes into play after all the testing scheme becomes ridiculous and I move we just throw in the towel and deal with it, but we can cross the bridge when we get there.

    Hope this helps. Cheers!