Ally opportunity, hire me!

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by jadder_alt, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Name:

    Equipment I show:
    -Votary gloves: level 4
    -Thrall's armguards:level 7
    -Votary shoulderguards: level 10
    -Minor circlet of the tactician
    -Ruokha ring: level 10
    -Blaze undying: level 4
    -Harrowing shackles: level 10
    -Monarch scaleshirt
    -Dunedweller leggings
    -Nomad boots: level 3
    -Gearaa shortbow: level 2
    -Carrion blade

    Spy attack:1,349,840
    Spy defence:1,349,840

    Max plunder:

    Current banner:
  2. I hate people like you. Why don't you go get laid or something.
  4. Hire me! I'm new and actice.
  5. I'd love to see the mod who tries to lock this for low effort...
  6. :D
  7. Well... At least there is effort
  8. It's a alt.
  9. excellent observation! did you think of that yourself!?

    and btw, an*
  11. No support
  12. My main got hacked and reset :( so th s is my main now
  13. But? Didn't you post a thread... Nvm.