Im not sure if I'm the only one who realizes this or what, but the ally markets are now self-regulating. Now allys who get dropped decrease in price, and continue to decrease in price until they are bought again. This in only to inform everybody, if everybody already knows, then don't say anything, its just that no one has commented on this before so i thought id better. Yours, Ruby
sorry to hate but its been like this for a little over forever. (But there might be people who dont know so good job getting the word out)
Ally market has business rules, but is fundamentally an inflating market? How do I know this? Was inactive for 6 mos and came back to 9 trillion out and very little farming or resets... Means 9T all got bought- they became good deals.
Poison... Edpecially Ackbar... Don't be noobs. It has NOT been around forever. It was instated sometime last year because so many noobs were flooding and inflating the market that it was needed.
When i joined i remember getting dropped a few times and having my price decrease. When did i join? June of 2010. I never said its been around since the beginning of kaw, all i know is that its been around forever. And noob? really?