Ally Marketplace

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Jake (05), Apr 20, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]


    Ally Trading

    Hello forums, today I would like to present to you the Ally Trading Marketplace.

    It is here that you can advertise your shops, find some nice shops for use, and advertise specific allies.

    Now, to use this marketplace, all you have to do is use the following guides:

    1. To advertise your shop.
    -post an ad
    -post price ranges
    -post if all active
    -post if shop always open

    2. To advertise a single ally.
    -post ally name
    -post ally price
    -post ally stats
    -post if active or not

    3.To say you want allies.
    -post price range
    -post build type if you need to.

    I saw a thread like this a week or so ago, but I didn't want to look for it (I'm on a phone,) and it was terrible.

    Happy trading from your friendly Guy_Next_Door!

  2. More ads 0_0. No thanks. But the idea is good. Maybe ppl can just go in and biew the allies like a shop? No need to advertise. And can be organized by price
  3. Explain more dotnet
  4. Dotnet* bad autocorrect :lol:
  5. Moonlightkiller


    ~400b, active


    All other allies active and for sale!
  6. 23b active hansel for sale, 39b active hybrid for sale , ally shop OPEN
  7. Buy my allies! (Please buy SergeantLions he is a really needed ally and active a lot)
    SergeantLions-27 billion
    The rest-350 million and below
    Not for sale - Killerkenzie, Namz, and shayna
    Thankyou! :D
  8. 775 k cs
    27.5 bill
    Help yourself please
  9. Buy my allie lowprofile16 he is 15bill and active
  10. ALLY SHOP OPEN
    ALL 2-3 BIL
    80K AND OVER STATS
    NEVER CLOSED
    MAY GET THE ODD 5-6 BIL
  11. This idea is good as long as we don't see a heap of forums just like it pop up

    Perhaps a sticky for people wanting to sell their allies
  12. Muffin Ryper = 194bil: 1.7/1.7/0.3/0.3
  13. Best inactive ally stats for price ranges here!
  14. Damn, doesn't fit on one line. Have to think of something else later.
  15. Ronmich: Active
    209 billion
    2.6m troop attack
    2.5m troop defence
    57k spy balance
  16. Allies always for sale, unless my banner says otherwise. 

    Good stats and activity checked when I buy them. 
  17. Always open
    Tay's ally shop hope you can drop by370-670bill
    All Active