Ally Market

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Oxyr, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Anyone heavily playing the market right now? Mind sharing the best-selling price ranges?

  2. taco with 3 cheese blend. and seasoned brown rice
  3. That was hilarious.
  4. Does anyone buy allies ? ...

  5. Usually not..... Still don't really know what good price is :-/
  6. Well I just sold a big ally and I might wanna buy several smaller ones... But I wanna know best sellers haha. And egg you need to get on that
  7. I hear the 1.9 bil ones with 200k combined sell in like 30 min
  8. Haha I would have to buy 60 of those... I'm aiming for like 30, 40 bil? Heard anything on those?
  9. Nope, I've had 17 bil on hand at a time max :)
  10. Try 45-50 bil with 1 mil atk. your welcome 
  11. Look at the 'ally market prices' thread by HAV0C.
  12. I don't think that thread would apply here. The market is constantly fluctuating one thread couldn't do it over time... Like 2 months ago 20-30 bil allies sold really fast now I'm getting reports 40-70 haha
  13. Well there's always me ;)
  14. Haha thanks egg, and thanks kingpin(?) 
  15. Havocs thread is still current. And his method is timeless anyway? Works for me brilliantly.
  16. It teaches you how to buy underpriced active allies right? That's not my question, i wanna know which underpriced allies are going the fastest...